Originally posted by justguess
I was reading joedog's advertisement thread and frode's chastisement regarding a post joedog made in the general forum where joedog called the AvA a mini MA.
I have to agree with joedog in as much as the AvA arena is a mini MA but I don't think people grasp the reason why it is so. in this post I will attempt to explain why the AvA is a mini MA and I will offer concrete suggestions for changing that.
if I'm in the AvA and oldman logs on we will get on opposing sides. we will get in the ride available, we will up to about 5k or so from the two nearest bases and we will fight until one plane is pixellated. if 10 regulars show up then the same scenario will be repeated only it will be a 6v6 furball. back in the day this is pretty much what you saw day in, day out. the only break in the routine was when a player showed up and vultched, picked, ganged or whatever then after several warnings if the nugget persisted with his MA ways four or five guys would make him the object of their special attention and that player either got the message or got away back to the MA, usually with a whimper stating that "this place is just like the MA".
it is difficult for the non AvA regular to grasp this verifiable fact and many will write it off this post as my nostalgic airbrushing of what really occurred. I am hoping some others will verify my statement.
if the AvA has become a mini MA it is because new players naturally brining their MA mores with them have become the largest sector of the AvA population. this "war" encourages that very behavior many of us find distasteful by creating a need to win over all other considerations.
the war to me is good only in that it has brought new players in but the quality of the fight is consistently poor now. to me this is striking a deal with the devil. it is unavoidable that you will have players climbing 10k above the fight looking to dive in on any fight irrespectively of the engaged countryman asking them to please stay out. you will have MA based squads vultching because "they need to win the war".
so in essence joedog is correct in saying that the AvA is a mini MA. he is also correct in posting the reality wherever he so choses. I think frode's attempt to spin the reality is wrong. while the truth is sometimes bad PR one cannot go wrong with the truth, unvarnished with warts and all.
if you want to change what the AvA is inspite of the "war" then follow these few simple suggestions.
1. don't vultch
2. don't gang
3. don't run to ack
by abstaining from these three classically MA activities we will each make the AvA significantly different from the MA but more importantly you will make yourself a better player.
I chastised Joedog? When? Was it in this thread?
http://forums.hitechcreations.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=227516Please, show me where I got on Joedogs' case about this.
Because it wasn't Joedog. I was trying to suggest to Machnix and 68Dougal, that taking a Flamefest out into the very thread that Joedog spent a lot of time trying to make, That was aimed at bringing more people into the AvA to experience this experiment, was a bad idea. If you read the posts' in that thread, you will see what the issue is. You want to attract the players' that play clean, right? Those posts' would drive any away. On the same token, if it's taken that it's a vulchfest in here, It could also have the opposite effect. You could actually draw all of what you consider the "worst sorts."
If you don't nip this in the bud, Storch, it will be
YOU who is muttering "It's just like the MA in here" as you log from the AvA.