Event starts at 10:00pm EST
All are welcome to attend

Artist Credit: Dux screen shot
In April of '44, in preparation for Operation:
Overlord, the Allies began a heavy strike
campaign to help pave the way and make it easier
to land on the beaches of Normandy. During this
time, the 8th and 9th Air Forces stationed in
Great Britain launched several hundred attacks
against V-bomb sites (NOBALL targets), airfields,
factories, and other strategic targets in Germany
and occupied Europe. These attacks, code-named
POINTBLANK, were made in an attempt to isolate
the battlefield and for the Luftwaffe to move
their fighters farther East as D-Day grew closer.
Country Percentages
- LW 40%
Airfield A-10
33% Mosquito MkVI
Airfield A-12
33% P-38J
33% P-47D-11
Attack and destroy the hangers
at A46 and any enemy assets encountered.
Ack may be strafed down if desired.
Target must be hit within 45 minutes of frame
Restrictions: Mosquito's must carry ordnance
for ground attack. P-38's and P-47's may carry
ordnance if they wish at CO's discretion.
Airfield A-45
60% Bf109-G6
Airfield A-60
40% Bf190-A5
Roll A45 and A50. Destroy any aircraft
attempting to strike targets noted on map.
Restrictions: Must carry 100% fuel.
Ordnance is optional.
Victory Conditions
Standard SEA point values.
P-38 - 10 points
P-47 - 10 points
Mossie - 15 points
Bf 109 - 10 points
Each Hanger 40 points
Each ack 2 points
Arena Settings
- Terrain BoB
- Fuel 1.5
- Icons short
- .4 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 36,000
(about 6 miles)
- Tower range set to 36,000 (for display only
to match the above setting)
- Clouds / visibility full (15 miles)
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Kill shooter off
- No winds
- Time: 11 AM
Designer Notes
- Airfields will be closed after takeoff.
One life event.
CM Notes
Remind Allies to hit the target in the
first 45 minutes of the frame.
Use the single life tool.
If time run a second frame for players.
Design By
'Vadr' and 'daddog'