I don't know, where I come from a request is phased more like.... "Skuzzy, would it be possible to set up the boards so that a person would be able to follow a thread they were following by an identifying icon?" Instead we get the bolded comments above, not a real "request", but some snide comments and and a backhand knock on the new boards. You can get more flies with honey, but you can work the "vinegar" route.
Good luck with that!
And I don't recall requesting your comments on MY opinion of the 'new boards'.
It is and shall remain my opinion that they are of less use, practically speaking,
than were the 'old boards'. And judging from your first 'input', I seriously doubt
that you follow your own advice but then I'm not going to sift through your
2500 prior posts to confirm that...
The old boards worked. I had no issues with them. When something works and
does what it was intended to do I see no reason to change it.