The tired old bomb 'n' bail routine is not aerial combat. As has been stated, defending a CV is one thing, but flying high alt patrols over it, or sitting in the guns for an hour or two is not fun. Had fortress been fighting, had their been a vulch or a bunch of lvts in the water, I might be able to understand this, but none of that was the case. He just showed up, dove his formation of 17s into it, and disappeared. That's just being a PITA.
It's nothing to do with strategic gameplay, or trying to win the war, or anything but simply preventing people from doing what they enjoy. How would those of you who don't enjoy aerial combat feel if a group of us did nothing but make it impossible for you to do what you enjoy? If all we did was pork ord and barracks, drop your BH, etc? My guess is after the initial thrill of having made us play the game the way you want us to, you would eventually get annoyed. If you knew we were doing it solely to prevent you from doing what you enjoy (and make no mistake, that is his only motivation), I seriously doubt you'd be so pleased as you are when we are the targets of such tactics.