Author Topic: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High  (Read 3945 times)

Offline PK1Mw

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #105 on: March 16, 2008, 10:37:58 AM »
There is no point to be made here.

He's upset because he didn't get a "wtg" for killing someone? Give me a break. zOMG Dude, you just blasted that guy in that 5 incher, wtfg, you are now my hero! Yea, right....

As for the rest of the newbies, its this simple. When you come into the game and ask a million and one questions, when the answers are in the help file, you deserve everything you get. Quit being lazy and read the dang thing, if you can't read I'm sure we can get it put on cassette for you.

Those who are genuine about learning the game I have no problem helping. But when they come in asking "How do I talk on radio" or "How do I drop my bombs", alt F4 or enter 3 times is the answer, sorry.

Someone mentioned a "newbie arena" We have one, its call the Training Arena. If it was utilized a little more, we might not even be having this discussion.

Offline scottydawg

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #106 on: March 16, 2008, 11:44:44 AM »
There is no point to be made here.

He's upset because he didn't get a "wtg" for killing someone? Give me a break. zOMG Dude, you just blasted that guy in that 5 incher, wtfg, you are now my hero! Yea, right....

As for the rest of the newbies, its this simple. When you come into the game and ask a million and one questions, when the answers are in the help file, you deserve everything you get. Quit being lazy and read the dang thing, if you can't read I'm sure we can get it put on cassette for you.

Those who are genuine about learning the game I have no problem helping. But when they come in asking "How do I talk on radio" or "How do I drop my bombs", alt F4 or enter 3 times is the answer, sorry.

Someone mentioned a "newbie arena" We have one, its call the Training Arena. If it was utilized a little more, we might not even be having this discussion.

While this post does have merit (as in a  lot of newbies expect to be spoonfed at times), it (and a LOT of other posts in this thread) also goes to show how bad attitudes are prevalent towards newbies.

The reply "Read the help files" or "go to the TA and ask" are only a tiny bit longer to type than "hit enter 3 times" or "alt-f4 to drop bombs" and are about ten thousand times more helpful.

Of course, there are some people who just enjoy being love muffines.

Offline Falcon94

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #107 on: March 16, 2008, 11:49:56 AM »
Just stamp a gaint 'HANDLE WITH CARE' on the newbies forheads and this can be avoided  :aok 

Offline smokey23

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #108 on: March 16, 2008, 12:08:45 PM »
Unbelievable how the eletist attitudes come spueing forth in these threads. Before i started playing in the mains or any arena i spent alot of time in TA offline and online. I read all the help file stuff yet when i actually put it into practice some of it didnt work as expected. Yes some will call me a dweeb cause i couldnt figure it out on my own, so be it.If it wasnt for a few nice folks in the mains that actually took the time to help me out with the little neuonces such as calibrateing useing E6B or gunning with a cv 5" gun i would have gotten so frustrated i may have quit. Dont pay any attention to these posts that piss an maon telling you to go to TA and read the help files my man, theres some things the help files are no help with at all.  :salute

Offline Xargos

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #109 on: March 16, 2008, 12:36:14 PM »
I pay to play a flight sim, not to coddle the frail ego of a newbie with a gimme now attitude.
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline xbrit

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #110 on: March 16, 2008, 12:45:55 PM »
I pay to play a flight sim, not to coddle the frail ego of a newbie with a gimme now attitude.

It sticks in my throat but I have to agree with him.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #111 on: March 16, 2008, 02:17:08 PM »
loco's off base for the most part. In general one gets the feeling he's talking about the MAs, but just in case he's also including the forums, he needs to know the following: Probably over HALF the new accounts made are folks that have been in this game for 5 years and KNOW better, but want to troll, or ask stupid questions, without fear of being banned/chastized. If you were to look at an average first-poster asking for a b-29 and some other features, you MIGHT think it was an innocent question if you didn't know better. WE know better. We've been around long enough to have seen this happen so many times. So if you see harsh replies to maybe innocent first-posts by some forum goers, it's because there's a better than good chance this is NOT a new forum member. That may skew your perspective.

Other than that...

HTC can help new players out by doing the following:

- Giving a printable "default" keymap that can be downloaded. 99% of the time the basic questions would be answered if a player simply went into their keymapping and looked at what all the default keys were. Since I ever started gaming, waaaay back, the FIRST thing I needed to know was what KEYS to press! It's basic logic! Look at the key map! Barring that, giving the newbies a pdf file or something to print off might help

- Printing a MOTD on your screen every time you start up for a year, in bold, that says "YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT THIS GAME! DO NOT PRETEND YOU ARE! LEAVE YOUR EGO AT HOME! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH GAMES YOU MOVED OVER FROM, DUDE, PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU SUCK AND WILL FOR SOME TIME!" and then in bold, underlined, italicized, blinking red font, have it say "THIS GAME IS HARD" and that should probably help a lot of folks out........ maybe.

- include a basic windows help file with the game, rather than online on the webpage.

- mention that folks can get help from the forums if they are just getting started. Asking for help in-game can yield results, but posting in the forums will almost always get some helpful replies, and they will be typed out better, be more informative, and may include links to resources you need, all in 1 place. If you do this in the arenas, it's harder to impart all this info in such a short time.

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #112 on: March 16, 2008, 03:21:23 PM »
Unbelievable how the eletist attitudes come spueing forth in these threads....

Elitist? Sorry, I don't see how it is my job to teach noobs that can't even be bothered to read the help files. Anyone too lazy or too stupid to bother doing so, is a waste of time....and yes, I see them every night....."how do i move"...."how do i drop a bomb"...etc.. Elitist attitudes my great wide wahinni!!!

In the past, I have (and will continue) helped a number of players. I have only ever asked that they have taken the time to try and gather clues themselves and that they willing pass they learn to others...with no strings. BTW, this is done on my own 'dime'.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline 999000

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #113 on: March 16, 2008, 11:43:12 PM »
I'll help anyone....I think Jesus would be that way.

Offline bmwgs

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #114 on: March 17, 2008, 02:05:42 AM »
Lets see;
I have been Hoed, Picked, Roped.

I have been called a nOOb and a Dweeb. 

I have received PMs calling me every name you can think of. 

I have been told to learn ACM and told to go to the TA. 

I have been challanged to go to the DA.

Its funny how everyone tells me how to spend my $15.00, when the reality is I actually pay more than most of the players because I live in Texas...Got to add the tax.

I have been told to subject myself to the wisdom of the older players, when in fact I'm probably older than most of them by a long shot.

I have been told to get a life, not much I can do about that, since I'm about to retire.

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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #115 on: March 17, 2008, 05:16:47 AM »
I would like to see more respect for country channel (Bish)

Seems recently i've had to squelch ALOT of players all talking away enthusiastically about what base to capture etc etc.

Is there a tutorial with screenshots that tells the newer player how to use the radio and what kind of etiquette should be applied? I'm 80% certain that these players do not realise they can tune into different channels and talk amongst themselves.

Not that im a miserable bastage i just feel it would be better if these teens tuned to their own squad channel and talked on there.  The main reason being that you can't de-tune country and we havent got perma squelch.  It's bordering on a mild form of torture.

I agree with you loco the game is tough on newbs and I do hate the ones who haven't a clue.  Obviously there are a fair share who do bother to read the help files, work offline to do succesful landings and to practice gunnery, work with a trainer in the TA etc.  I have all the time in the world to answer these newbie questions.  I think its much more about manners and if you got that this community will accept you with open arms.

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #116 on: March 17, 2008, 05:26:00 AM »
I'll help anyone....I think Jesus would be that way.

I bet he would swear black and blue if he found himself on your six :p

Offline Odee

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #117 on: March 17, 2008, 05:27:15 AM »
Hi Krusty,

I understand what you are saying, but lets face reality here. Have you ever searched this forum with keywords "Newbie Hate"? Get real, there is newbie hate here no matter how much you want to think there is not. It exist here more than any other MMO I have ever seen, and I have played them all.
You are absolutely correct.  It's almost like "posession mania" with some players.  In the MA, if I notice in the text (being an old phart I got slow eyes) I send a WTG! or other acknowledgement.  But action and text flies by so fast sometimes I swear I'm on the floor of the NYSE.

Now in the FSO, Scenarios, Snapshots, Air Races, and AvA, you'll see a marked increase in WTG's on landing kills.  Might even hear a couple for clearing somebody's 6.

Now I'm the curious sort of chap, and have to ask what kind of progamming you do?  If it's freelance, or contractual, you might want to peek at  FRONTIER 1859's a game in development, with some pretty good Alpha concepts of gameplay, environment factors and such to add to the immersion 'feel' of being on the Frontier during the settler expansion of America.
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Offline ink

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #118 on: March 18, 2008, 12:37:12 PM »
 I have only been playing for 11 monthes or so, and as a noobie, I have never been treated with dis-respect.
  Am I some wounder kid who mastered the game in one afternoon? NO. Did I already know all these people before I started playing? NO. Have I been told that " you suck" or "F-you" or "noob tard" or the like, YES.

  Generally because it was true or I did something that was not appropriate. Now that comment has become somewhat of a badge of honor, depending on the situation. Sometimes I deserve the comment though.

  Here is how I started.

  First, I spent a lot of time in the Training arena before entering a Main Arena. Know the basics befor going to the M/A.

  Second, while training, I was also reading on Aces High, Sodas etc. Sometimes dry reading, but it gets more interesting as you understand more of how it effects your game play.

  Third, Once in the Main Arenas, I flew in missions, I winged up with people, and I only asked questions I could not find answers to, or just basicly, got to know the people.

  Now the issue Loco is refering to: The person that comes in and goes straight to the Main Arena and is asking "How do I take off?" or a simmilar type of beguiner question.
  The community answers with, "please go to the training arena".
 After 30 more minuites of, "come on, somebody tell me how to take off!" and a million join requests sent, the player gets squelched, or is openly ridiculed on country channel.
  What kind of response would you expect? Every player in this game has spent many hours reading, practicing  and helping others, this player is showing no ambishion to learn on there own.

   The "hatred" you speek of is more like frustration. I do not think we could put a number on how many of these people we tollerate on a weekly basis. Most of use will help those that are trying to help themselves learn, and show an honest ambision to play the game, heck, I spent almost all my play time last sunday helping some kid out.

  The player that comes in and thinks this is an X-box game is saddly mistaken, and the people playing here generally do not feel obligated to baby sit somebodies twelve year old with A.D.D.

  Does this game have a steep learning curve, yes.

  Are we "hatefull" of new players, no.

  Will we repect your Q/A sesion while we are Paying to play our game...Maybe.

One possable solution; The two week free trial should limit the player to the Training, Dualing, and Early War Arenas, once a subscriber, they can explore the rest of the game.

P.S. Pardon the spelling.

screw you i hate you noob, tard, you... you... you...

awwwwwwwww   im just messin :D

Offline jimson

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #119 on: March 18, 2008, 01:07:18 PM »
Well, speaking as a noob, I've found most to be genuinely helpful.

Sometimes we are not really sure exactly where to find the help info and sometimes even after reading it, it doesn't all make sense to us.

As far as the training arena is concerned, when you are brand new you may not know exactly what is the best thing for you to be working on. Not sure what others are doing (if they have time to work with you).
Some of us can't make the times for the open clinics etc.

As far as staying out of the main arenas until you are proficient at this game, I for one, wanted to at least check it out to see what it was all about before subscribing. When I am in there, I am reluctant to join missions, wing up w others because I don't want to saddle others with someone who isn't even versed with all the terminology let alone proficient in the game, but seeing how the main arenas work is also a part of learning this game.

There was one time when  may have committed an offense, I was chasing a spitfire along with someone else. I wasn't sure who was on the guy first, but I broke off pursuit, and a little later as I was turning I found the same bandit in my sights, so I took the shot.

Sorry, unknown La7 guy but I was in position, and I tried to give you first crack earlier.

So I am paying my 15 bucks, learning at the pace I can, and when I am in the arenas generally providing target fodder for you hotshots, I'm still having fun and I can at least land a damn plane now!

« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 01:18:12 PM by jimsom88 »