about the operation and look closely at the fractional distillery drawing. is going up because our refineries are geared for producing gasoline. Diesel and other distillates are just a by-product of producing gasoline.(diesel).
{sarcasm on} yeah it is "geared" alright.{sarcasm off}
there is no gears about it. simple enough to turn a switch to boil that thar crude to the right temps to make pure honeyfied gold.
(funny in a way, its own by-products can easily fuel the process. similar to making chunk charcoal. small amount of wood burning to start the degassing of wood releases the gasses to burn to continue the process til the wood is out of gas, leaving behind charcoal. whew, what a messy way to say it.)
running crude through a still a lot like making moonshine.
the main difference is from the moonshine the water and brewer's grains gets tossed to the hogs. and the higher poisonous alcohols (hopefully) gets released in the air for the Angel's share.
from crude every part of it is used by a lot of other industries, each so-called by-product is sold at a profit. (nothing wrong with that)
but gouging fuel prices makes the prices of everything rocket out of sight. causing all sorts of problems. there is a very good reason Energy prices is regulated. since the laws pretty much outlaws and/or makes the costs (taxes) out of reach for personal distillation of fuels for personal use, fuels prices should be regulated as well.
(ok spent enough time proof reading, fixing errors I've seen. if there (dang it Edit:) are (not is) anymore errors of any kind, I don't care. figure it out yourself. blahhh)