Author Topic: Skins for KI-67?  (Read 2585 times)

Offline Hwkeye

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Re: Skins for KI-67?
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2008, 01:33:28 PM »
Final thought...

I have observed that once a plane and it's cockpit have been modernized there is an immediate proliferation of new and varied skins.  My thought is that instead of introducing new planes into AH2 (recent additions although interesting just duplicate capabilities already available in the sim) how about the next phase of AH2 include the modernization of existing planes! Seeing the TA-152 skin and cockpit updated with this latest download was truly refreshing to see!  :aok

And finally, I don't know this for certain but I bet usage of older skinned planes went down as other skins were modernized.  Bring these older skins up to current standards might very well breath new life into them and the sim.

Peace out....
