Author Topic: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?  (Read 4417 times)

Offline Stampf

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2008, 12:31:49 PM »

Sunday eve is a strong time slot for the 11th.  I can commit to 10 -20 most regularly for this.

EDIT: Allied numbers would be the concern I am thinking.
- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline forHIM

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2008, 12:57:55 PM »
Stampf -- is that Sunday evening US time or Sunday evening European time?

Offline Stampf

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2008, 01:13:45 PM »
U.S.  Maybe 4 - 6 pilots  Euro time.
- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline kanga

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2008, 01:37:14 PM »
Really guys, I'm behind you completely.  So let's do it.

OK friends, it's up to us to give roc some guaranteed* numbers for a Sunday evening 2 hour max event, starting 9pm CET (=8pm UK).

Flubby, I nominate you Air Chief Propaganda Marshall :-)

I guess we need a place where people will be able to sign up as willing and able, tell us our orders sir <S>

Roc, it will help promotion if we have an idea of the type of event that can be set out.  The previous game we played, the event Flubby has referred to was based on recreating historic events within the limits of a) aircraft available in the game b) keeping it fun c) variation of player numbers on the night of 60 - 100 (those who just turned up or found it for the first time).  The CM would set up the arena, explain the history and tell each side what resources they had and what their mission was.  Each side would have a CO that had already volunteered a few weeks before and would have worked out how they would use those resources to achieve the mission. There were normally XO's (Executive Officers, can't figure the X myself but spelling never was my thing) who would lead smaller parts of the CO's overall mission for them, eg flights of fighters, often members of the same squad.
BUT - it doesn't have to be like that, you know what can work from your end so please let us know.  We also had some purely fun events, like Drache's (now Boozeman's) field race, and Kanga's landing challenges, another player even worked out a medal system from the event results tables we created and would create virtual medals for different achievements. 

>>>>  Kanga goes and puts on uniform, straightens tie,  Marches away saying "Once more into the breach dear friends....."

*guaranteed - as much as real life allows

Offline Edgar

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2008, 02:11:03 PM »
Hello Gentlemen,

I am in, that is about 11 - noon on a Sunday here in LA, Nice way to wake up and enjoy my coffee!


VMF-222 ~Flying Deuces~

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2008, 02:12:42 PM »
i sign up for the sunday 3PM EST event.

also the idea to try something different is absolutely supported. i love stuff like air-racing and extreme landings, maybe more than shooting down
those brave allies ;]

and at the parrots team: i hope you continue the efforts to establish the sunday euro slot at 3PM EST and i am sure we will have a lot of fun there.

by the way:  i noticed one of your pilots lives just 3 kilometers away from me in merseburg. the world is a damn small island in the darkness of the eternal depth of the universe, lets use the time we spend on her with playing the right games
The eagle flies up towards the sun
High above the fields of babylon
In one claw he holds an olive branch for peace
In the other, twelve arrows for his enemies

Offline dhyran

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2008, 02:56:35 PM »
..................  Per some of the above :)  Really guys, I'm behind you completely.  So let's do it.

Hello Roc,

i am one of those Parrots also, well, i can help to promote this thing, i will offer to make it run, design scenarios, a couple of books offers a lot of great setup too. i got no cm background as kanga, but i worked as an official Trainer at the other sim, think i can help to design even some scenarios and "balance a bit" Will help where ever i can!

« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 03:00:52 PM by dhyran »

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~

Offline gunas

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2008, 03:04:11 PM »
Hiho guys,

I'm also a Parrot and missed the european event, too (hehe, thats all I missed from the other simulation  :devil :devil )

So, I will support everybody, who establish an european event and try
to help.


Gunas (aka Gunner)

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2008, 09:26:57 PM »
Thanks for bearing with the discussion everyone.

Ok, so as not to assume everyone knows everything, I'll take the liberty of showing you things you probably already know but I'd hate to overlook.

First, what we already do.   check out the link to snapshot setups found <-- Right There.   Each of those setups are completed snapshot events.  Snapshots do not typically have a pre-determined leader, as much as I think they would benefit if they had them :)  The Snapshot is a rather informal event, which is designed to show people an alternative to the main arena, and provide an organized and relatively balanced event.  The snapshot is a one frame, and generally a one life event, although 2nd life options come into play depending on the event.  These are the easiest to setup and start out with.

This is the link to FSO ( Friday Squad Ops)

This event runs 3 Fridays in a row, is typically a one life event, again with modifiers to the setup, and is very regulated. The squads must register, in advance, and plug in commitment levels both Minimum and Maximum.  The CM designs the event, with the rules and parameters, the CiC designs and distributes the orders, and no walkons are allowed.  It is very formal, very controlled, and has grown to 400+ players per frame.

FSO is most likely something you do not want to try and duplicate at the start.  You will drive yourselves batty putting in the hours of order design and have 30 people show up while the event design was for 150 or something.  You would most likely want to start with a snapshot event, formalize it with picking leaders in advance, with orders, but allowing for stages of those orders depending on turnout.  Turnout of 30-50 Target and Planeset A.  Turnout up to 75-100 Add planeset and objective B, etc etc.

It would be my hope that you needed to organize a full Sunday Squad Ops and have to manage 250-300 players on a regular basis, and adopt the FSO model.  But that's down the road.

If you browse through the site, you'll see the existing format we have in place, the registration page for scenarios and FSO, the setups we already use, and see quickly that we have a fully working model in place to do pretty much what you want.

Give the sites a look through, think about what you want to accomplish, and we can brainstorm this thing out to an event.  If you don't hear from me over the weekend, it's cause I'm working on another event, but I'll check in.  Use this place as you need to come up with ideas and discussions.  When the times comes, we'll relocate to an existing forum or create a new one depending on the end result.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline flubby

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2008, 02:54:11 AM »
Yes i already know the eventpages and i am very impressed about the efford you put in this.

I personally think that in the beginning the rules don´t need to be too restrictive that means maybe 2 lives and Walkons allowed. With CO´s and XO´s on both sides it should be possibel to manage 30-40% walkons. It is not quite easy but it is better than play with only 40 preregistered players ;). If the numbers grow it might be possible to force players to register.

The 2 lives rule worked quite good in the EMC. The second life was granted for all at the same time. There was a live reset afte on hour. Most people who died in the first hour kept staying in the game and so the numbers did not break down too much during the event.

Fo the CO`s there always should be one main and two to three seondary goals to archive. This was because it should not be too simple and the CO´s had the option to alter the strategy during the scenario for whatever reason i.e. imbalanced numbers during the game .

I hope some more guys post ideas here there is a lot of room for developement ;).


« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 02:57:40 AM by flubby »

Offline Drem

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2008, 12:52:28 PM »
Hi Guys,

Sorry, I don't monitor the BBS much but I got pointed to this thread by Dhyran.

I am the CO of Duxford Wing RAF, who recently gravitated from the "other" sim to Aces High (although we are still represented there). We don't have big numbers at the moment but everyone who has moved across with us all agree that we miss the Sunday night action, so a regular Sunday event for Euros in Aces High would be a big attraction for us.

I am more than happy to help whip up some numbers, act as CO, or flight lead, whatever. I was also a CM in the "other" sim so am experienced in running events (as is Kangar) and would be willing to assist any way I can in getting a series of events going.



Offline flubby

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2008, 01:48:20 PM »
Hey Drem,

nice to have you with us. It`s a great pleasure to see, that you support this event. It would be really fun to meet us again in the virtual skies :D



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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2008, 07:59:32 AM »
Hi Flubby <S>

Lol, I got kicked off the forum because I changed my email address and had to re-register. Anyone know how I can reactivate a profile so I can go back to being just Drem? :)

Anyway, back to the point - it would be very interesting to see something take off in AH for us Euros. I think, at least initially, that flexibility is the key - single life operations would be too restrictive in the early days. Just my 2p worth.


Offline rbull312

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2008, 05:25:41 PM »
Hi Guys,

you have my voice for introducing Sunday events too. Of course - decision is fully in hands of US guys. But if they are good businessmen, they should listen to the "voice of customers" ;)

Sunday event around 20 GMT/UTC could bring more Europeans - this mean more income  :D
In case of mine - special events is a matter why i want to pay AH. Smashing in MA furballs against identical airplanes  :rolleyes: (spitfire x spitfire, 109 x 109) isn't really the one for what I would like spend money and time in long term. There are more EU guys who are on same page imho.

So count me in if you need help with it.
Not many, but much!

Offline flubby

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Re: One suggestion: Sunday evening euopean event possible?
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2008, 12:54:38 AM »
Thank you for the support Rbull <S>
