Author Topic: Top 10 pilots news  (Read 2103 times)

Offline Westy

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« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2001, 10:28:00 AM »
Cc Sturm. My comment and opinion is in regard to those who champion a stat as something to drool and go ga-ga over when it's gained by someone who flies strictly in that style.

 It's the same as praising the capabilites of a base vulcher. Sure, have fun, but don't wag the bogus K/D in my face and think it's some kind of skill that's going to garner my respect.

  I really don't mind in the least bit if anyone does better than I. I know full well my capabilites (or lack of) and I certainly know who the skillfull folks. They do have my respect for thier skills.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 04-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 04-03-2001).]

Offline Drex

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« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2001, 10:34:00 AM »
My cockpit is always open to anyone who wants to know how I fight.

I didn't get the most kills this TOD or the best K/D ratio in the p47-25.  Hanzo did a super job and owns that destinction.  But I doubt it was a goal.

With so many variables that are changing every second in the arena and in a fight there numerous ways to approach any given situation. I enjoy watching the multitude of ways people approach these.  Remember ACM is just the paint.    


[This message has been edited by Drex (edited 04-03-2001).]


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« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2001, 10:37:00 AM »
I agree westy, I can get a high amount of kills rather quickly in a base take over, and I can also die quite a few times, defending one "proven that".  I think when you start worrying about your stats more then what a game is about then it is time to move on.  LOL I went 2-0 in such and such lane does this constitute me as a bad arse?  Anyway we look for the fight, but you will see us mainly flying in a group of 3-6, first goal is to try and take bases, second if we cannot go on the offensive look for a base in need of help.  In the text buffer you will see us pointing out where a possible strike is heading or which base needs help ASAP.  We will even auger if a base really needs help right then.  Some ask why don't we go on hte offensive, a couple days ago we would have liked to but we had 6 getting ready for a huge raid at a strategic base.  Needless to say we staved off 3 waves of attacks, against 4-1 odds, sometimes more.  More often then not flying as the knights we are on the defensive, seems a lot do not care that we are down to a few bases, as long as they "get their kills" and tomorrow will be a new map.  This tour I plan on spending as much time in a buff as I do in fighters.  Amazing what arado stirkes can do to an enemy base.  

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2001, 10:42:00 AM »
Originally posted by Drex:
My cockpit is always open to anyone who wants to know how I fight.


Oohh, baby! I'll be right over!   J/K...say, if you think of it, and can do it, get one more of those tickets for an OU game, I'll be back in Oct to avenge my loss in the 2 vs 2 competition!    

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2001, 10:52:00 AM »
Most of the folks I see with 60/9 or other massively lopsided K/D are of the fly safe, hit when not seen and then emmediatley run. I call it the "sucker punch.". There is no skill to it, just buckets of time and a quick hat finger so one canrun if another higher alt sucker puncher is preparing to do it to you first.

Westy.. who is "most of the people you see"?  The stats are not thrown at you, you have to be looking for them.  I've seen very few people actually bring them up in this forum (personal stats) because people often respond exactly as you have.

The arrogance assoctiated with the desire to get good stats is only surpassed by the resentment displayed by those that don't feel the same way.

Once again, they are numbers, no need to start forming personal oppinions based on them.  There is no need to be upset because someone ONLY has good stats because they BnZ.  Its petty... and its not true.

Fly how you want.  Others will do the same.  Be concerned with what you want.  Others will do the same.  Get in a 1:1 with Drex some time.  Others have.  Win a 1:1 with Drex some time.  Not many have.

Drex is brought up because he is the first name that popped into my head in regards to the "the top 10 are the people that just hang above the fight" statement.  I've seen many down in the fights.  I've been down in the fights.  

That 60:9 record holds pretty true to what I've done in a Yak-9U fighting pretty much the way I want.  Several <S> from both sides of the fight... both when I've won and when I've lost... both when I've been outnumbered and been on the sides with numbers... both when I've had the advantage, or when I've had the disadvantage.  I've faught with everything this tour.

The one VERY common misunderstanding is that the top 10 lists are there to show who the hot-dogs are.  I disagree.  I think they better show people's dedication towards flying a specific aircraft.  Not all of them will have high K/D, but all of them will have alot of time in the plane.  That's something not many people are willing to commit to these days.  And its not something that requires some 100 hours per tour to do... at least not if your flying something other than the N1K, Chog, Dora or Spit IX.

So, pick a ride that you like.. the more obscure the better.  Fly it for an entire tour.  My money says you make the top 10 list if you have 20 hours or more in a type other than the top 5 planes.  Very few people are willing to accept that.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2001, 11:01:00 AM »
"The arrogance assoctiated with the desire to get good stats is only surpassed by the resentment displayed by those that don't feel the same way."

 I can't stress enough that I have no resentment. Just a lack of admiration or respect by those who need to fly safe and sucker punch.

 My error was generalising up above and making it sound like ALL of the top ten flew in the style I was mocking. What I said, or meant to say, was taken out of context and applied to someone  (Drex) for whom my comment never was not intended to be aimed at.


 Back to your stats and analysis. Don't mind me.



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« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2001, 11:10:00 AM »
My question is, so I have to fly a certain plane to be recognized?  I fly them all, some I get more kills in, others I have to earn them, my first tour was last month and I ended with around 600 or so kills.  I still will not fly just one plane or just a couple planes,but you do get tired of running into N1k's 51's FW's and such.  granted if I stuck to flying one plane yes I could be "Billy bad ass" but what fun is that?  Forgot the guys name who shot me down twice in a 205 yesterday but I had more respect for his kills then the dweeb flying at 12k over the base waiting for me to be chased by 6.  Stats are not what they are cracked up to be, trust me I know.  Yes a guy might be great at a 1-1 battle, but how many times will you see him flying by himself going in to deack a field with fighters flying around?  Saw mitsu doing this so he doesnt count    At any rate, stats are one way of goating at another, as we call them stat potatos you usually do not find defending a base that is being overrun, how would I know you might ask, simple look in the text column of who you are killing.  Funny as it may seem but it is the same people usually at each base.  And like wise happens to us when they go on the offensive.  Simple numbers might mean something to those who lavish in stardom as the best K/D, but what have they accomplished while getting those numbers?  No matter what sim you fly in, they are true to their cause.  Less threat=higher ratio, or putting yourself in a most beneficial way of dieing the least.  Take this as you want, but I have observed this for quite sometime now, in a lot of sims.  I should know I used to be one of them, from CFS and FA and going all the way back back to the Close Combat III ladder, yet it was a different game same concept have a higher winning %.  As long as we have stats which I don't mind, we will always have those that have to throw them out for others to see.  Only stats I see fit for posting are AC vs AC.              

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
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Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2001, 11:10:00 AM »
Bah... I take the P47 where ever he brings me. I'm even taking of from vulched bases with it.

My kill/death ratio sucks, but I don't care, I have nothing to prove to others. And since I'm in the 56th, I start to run from trouble before I end up in it (escaping needs planing when turnfighting in the D30   ).

My pleasure comes from being able to make a vulching yak in trouble overshooting me, rather than getting a 6 kill run from pure B&Zming.

I respect both types of players, the wise knows taht none is better than the other.


[This message has been edited by SFRT - Frenchy (edited 04-03-2001).]
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2001, 12:03:00 PM »
WRT the "sucker punch" style of play...

Appearances can be deceiving. People are often criticized for staying high above a fight, nailing the occasional enemy that squirts a little too high out of the top. To a certain extent this is a justifiable criticism, but of course there is the other side of the equation.

There are any number of people perfectly willing to dash off at sea level to the nearest fight. Whether this is wise or not is open to endless debate, but what is often lacking are a few people to climb a little higher to meet the higher approaching cons, most notably the bombers that wreck the fields.

Used to be I could get 10-15 kills per hour with little difficulty. It is a lot harder to do now because I have chosen lately to try to keep fields and resources open. This means that I will pass over furballs and find the real threat to bases and resources- the bombers and Jabo's. Further, if I see a 5 on 2 below me I don't feel I should drop all my alt to help save my five buddies in trouble.   If they lose that fight then, well, they should. OTOH, if the fight is close and it looks like a little extra help can tip it our way I will zip in for a pass and at least scare the bad guy enough to distract him. This is usually enough to get the job done. Always the incoming fighters and bombers are on my mind, because ignoring them is tantamount to handing the keys to your field over to the enemy. If this is perceived as playing it safe, then I am guilty as charged.

Many people also complain about fields being vultched, radar and resources dying, and the general state of chaos that can reign on a side. Everyone knows I love a furball as much as the next guy and I say more power to anyone that wants nothing else to do but furball. I would remind you to be a bit thankful that there are a few people not electing to drop all alt for every single con they see, no matter how covered in green they may be, or that there are a few people left still willing to challenge bombers 1 vs. 1.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
My question is, so I have to fly a certain plane to be recognized?

The answer is no.  But you do need to fly a specific plane (of your chosing) more or less exclusively to make the top 10 pilots in EACH AIRCRAFT list.  Its also important to remember that these lists are simply generated by looking at numbers.  Numbers never tell the whole story.

So, if you don't care about the lists, don't worry about it.  Have your fun the way you want.  The overall scoring system in AH will indicate your scores in all fighters combined, all bombers combined, all attack planes combined and all ground vehicles combined.  These lists are only generated because the scoring system does not care or track what you were flying.

And Kieren, you're spot on.  Its always easy to criticize others for not doing things your way.  People seldomely realize that if it were really that easy, everyone would be doing it.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2001, 12:56:00 PM »
"People seldomely realize that if it were really that easy, everyone would be doing it."

 Only the  few take the path of least resistance. Why do I say that? Because it's far easier to stop a base capture by rolling a car bomb,  or taking an off the map route in going for a base attack and it is most assuredly easier to capture a base by dropping troops from a C47 at 10k. But not everyone does it.

Why is that?


Offline fscott

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« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2001, 12:59:00 PM »
What? No comments from the 13th TAS? Afterall, they are the masters at super dweebery, right Westy? All they ever do is hang around at 40k and wait for you to start smoking and lose an engine, then they dive on you in their super fast dweeb P51's.

Here ya go (throws a bone to the crowd), the only reason people criticize others for flying this way and getting good K/D ratios is because they can't do it theirselves. (Oh, I can hear the whiners already coming, here we go...)  

Here's a clue, if you wanna beat these guys then YOU climb to 40k and fight them there, instead of coming in at 5k like and idiot and then calling them names because they were alt monkeys.



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« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2001, 01:31:00 PM »
Scott, I have flown this game for a little over 3 weeks and have moved up the ranking charts finished 69th last tour and I didn't even have a complete tour "whoop de doo".  I am still learning the planes and how they all act, and the pilots as well.  Will I keep a high ranking this tour?  We shall see, but I don't climb to 40K and I never will.  Why should I fight someone on their grounds, or their rules?  A simple look at this, and from your posts shows that you love to brag about ratings or ranks.  I must remind you this a game, how this correlates to your real life I am not sure.  From my experience those that love to brag are the ones that really have nothing to show "in the real world" as far as accomplishments.  So they must show to others hey look at what I can do, you, yeah you over there look see I got a 5-1 ratio in a perk plane.  Look at my stats last tour and you will see how many planes I had kills in, far more then the average pilot here, and I will continue to do so.  For me to justify why I fly other model planes besides the supped up cannon armed rockets is insignificant as to why those fly 1 or 2 different planes per tour.  Let me fly a Dora this tour, or a 51 or a N1k, the numbers would probably be astonishing.  But then you ask yourself this?  Am I having fun "just flying one plane"?  Stats are great to look at and admire, but I really think you need to embellish on something other then I am so bad in a certain plane, ever wonder maybe others are to, yet decide not to fly for it for a certain reason?  Maybe it is to easy to get kills in it?  Than again I am sure that Tempest offers a challenge, I am sure it is hard to get a kill in it.  I think you are missing Westy's point entirely, and taking a shot in here because you are one of the self proclaimed stat potatos shows a lot.  Talk to me in a month or two at most, take me into a 1-1 and hand me my bellybutton now which is fine.  take me in there in 2 months and see what happens.  I am sorry I had to go off like this, but somthing has to be shown.  Do we need the stats to show who the best pilots are? I don't think so, we allready know who they are when you see it in the text buffer when they shoot you down or they go into a furball and come out alive.  

Sincerely not impressed.    

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
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« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2001, 01:37:00 PM »
my k/d sucks i catch any of ya low ( and i dont remember any of ya recently cept akdjv and he was easy .) you are dead. flyin like you boys do atrophys your flyin. just sad score awards flyin unrealisticaly. ( in real wars you have to fight, runnin away gets you shot by your freinds.)

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »
Towd, you continue to stand as a testiment to the US education system.

As for me being an easy kill that one time you , I don't doubt it.  I was actually thinking the exact same thing about the 4 times I killed you.  Do you realize you were the first Ostwind killed by a Yak-9U in Tour 14?  I also chuckled the first time I saw you flying something other than an La-7.  Talk about easy.  Guess you didn't know what to do when a faster plane shows up... maybe you should just stick to one of the fastest?

And Sturm, you may have flown the game for a little over 3 weeks, but you are failing to realize a few things.  You are ranked in the top 70 because you flew a variety of planes.  Many that fly only one plane will not even be ranked in the top 500.  That's just the way it goes.

Sometimes those people complain that the current AH scoring system is porked because of it.  I don't agree.  Nor do I agree that on style is more important than the other.

So, the top ten in each aircraft is for those that excell in a particular aircraft, but it isn't reflected in the current scoring system.  That is all.
