Author Topic: Are you wanting to register a new FSO squad?  (Read 2239 times)

Offline Sled

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Are you wanting to register a new FSO squad?
« on: March 27, 2008, 12:59:43 AM »

I could have easily rephrased my title to say, " Are you wanting to commit a new FSO squad?".

Because the reality is, when you sign up a new squad for FSO you are making a commitment to show in all frames of an FSO event with at least your minimum numbers that you register for. A lot of people don't think about that, they think, "wow this looks like fun, let's give it a try." Don't take this the wrong way, but if you just want to "give FSO a try", please feel free to post on the FSO BB that you (and a few squaddies) are wanting to try FSO for a while and would like to fly with another squad to see what it is like. Then, after that time, you can decide if you want to commit to being part of the FSO community, making a commitment to being there every Friday. It is important that squads that register in FSO plan on being there, as squads coming and going on a weekly basis makes things very difficult for the community. Trying to plan the orders for the week can be very difficult if you are uncertain if two or three squads are going to be there.

Some things to ask yourself before you register your squad.

Have you ever participated in an FSO? If not, then it might be a good idea to try it with another squad first, before signing up.

How many people do I have? You should wait till you have at least 4 people that are going to fly in FSO with your squad, and be squad members.

Can I meet the minimum numbers that are required? You are allowed to be plus or minus 2 people from the squad numbers that you sign up for. If you sign-up for 11-16 pilots, but only know of 6 people that are going to attend, don't gamble on finding more people. Just sign up for a lower amount, then raise it for the next event of you need to.

If you have chronic problems with attendance you may be asked to leave FSO.

Personally I think that FSO is what Aces High is all about, but to make it the best experience that it can be for all, we need the help of the community. Not signing up till you are ready to commit to FSO is a good start.


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