I believe the reason MORAY stated that, was to reinforce a point-that she is going to be totally dependent on nursing care, for the rest of her life. If her brain damage is that bad, she won't recover, and has pretty much lost the ability to care for herself in modern society. It is also currently beyond the ability of the family to care for her, so they are forced to turn to professional(read, paid) help.
There are a lot of programs now to try to help disabled people stay out of managed care facilities ( that is the more up to date term to use ). And that is because it actually costs a lot more to maintain someone in such a facility. Studies have also shown that people are often happiest if they are still able to live in their own home or apartment.
As I mentioned before, I volunteer one day a week in helping disabled folks who are living on their own. The main funds for the service that the team that I am on provides comes from Medicare. While they provide most of the money, the non-profit I volunteer with manages the program here locally. ( I will not mention their name again, since some here have some kind of crazy idea that I am trying somehow to promote them. It is actually a pretty well known aid program that most likely many of you have heard of. ) And they also raise private donations to help pay for the program too. Some of the people have family that stop by and help them. Virtually all are monitored by social workers. A few have a live-in helper, and even that works out to being less expensive than taking them into a managed care home.
I even know one couple that ended up having to divorce, just like the couple in this case with WalMart, in order to be able to collect decent benefits.
If this woman ends up in managed care, it will take a lot of money to care for her needs. And all of us taxpayers will then be paying for it.