I was there. Though I'd venture there were hookless Seafire Mk Is, as well. When the rest of the group follows an admiral bent on turning the tables on the German invasion plan and ramping up D-Day three years early ... and there's just not much London bombing going on (and there was a little bit before the distractovasion brought it to an end) then the choices were:
1: Keep flying the dar gap bombed out by the Luftwaffe (great historical immersion but it gets old when the enemy is drawn away from following up by having to defend Calais and me and Von were left testing Spitfire fuel capacity with a full load of ammo).
2: Join in the lunacy .... if it at least provides some challenging combat at fairly equal odds (it ended up getting way too lopsided for either Von or me to get much more out of it than boredom and/or embarrassment).
3: Or log to either another arena or out of the game entirely.
I ended up doing all three. In that order. And in short order.