The Electorial College is way out dated, and IMO does not refelect the Peoples Choice, Why should a select few deal out any states Electorial Votes
The major function of the electoral college is to prevent 3 way log jams. If you notice, systems that give direct representation end up with multiple viable parties that fragment the electorate. The effect then is to force major parties to cut deals with other groups in order to achieve a governing majority.
By using "winner take all" system on a state by state basis, minor parties have a hard time getting started. Those that have a good idea that attracts attention end up finding their programs co-opted by one of the big two, who then end up reflecting the will of the people.
Before slamming the electoral college, realize that it almost always reflects the popular vote totals, and the times it doesn't it offers regional weighting that isnt all bad. And, after all, one of the Presidents we've elected with Electoral College majorities and popular vote pluralities (ie leading but not enough votes to win the election) was Abraham Lincoln, who most historians consider either the best or second best president we've had. (That's not talking about his politics or his popularity, but the way he managed high stakes crisis after crisis in government, popular opinion, domestic political infighting, and international politics.)