(And now back to the issue, after that short commercial break). Jam, I appreciate your comment. You think that sides are lopsided and that interferes with the quality of play. There is quite a bit different about today's AvA from a couple of month's ago. Maybe a sticky or two for this topic on how players are expected to play in this arena would be helpful.
Now, the upside of the new setup is that the numbers are at least playable during prime time. So, even if your side is outnumbered, you can still add your contribution. I just wouldn't up too often from a vulched field without some good support from fellow countrymen. It gets real ugly real fast. And BTW, if you can wade through the sometimes unsporting conduct that you may run into, you probably will eventually find one of the many opponents who feel the same as you do and obtain what I expect you entered the arena to find (good ole fashion dogfights).