And .... this week in the MA VF-17 will be playing the part of:
The 56th* Fighter group ... aka "The Wolfpack."
Cause Pac or the Corsair don't always live there, man.
We need historically minded players, 21 and older, who enjoy the F4U (all variants but primarily the two earlier models) and think they're up to portraying themselves as Jolly Rogers in honor of the real ones. For AvA and event purposes, we fit in and adapt/adopt the roles needed .... but still have fun
historically immersing in AHII.
Sound like your bottle of beer? Sign here
(Visit our website in the signature ... even if you just wanna pop in and enjoy some tunes on the ol' juke or radio and look at old pictures.)
*[edit] Fingers are fat and eyeballs fuzzy. Occasionally it results in amusement to Skuzzy.