1.) On the drop ordinance segment it would be nice to be able to enter salvo and delay information for the drop.
2.) Again on the drop ordinance segment the option to distinguish what bombs to drop. For example, with the Lancaster I'd like to target the 4,000lbs separate from the 1,000lbs's. If you want to keep it so all ordinance is salvoed together that's fine, would just like to plan accordingly.
3.) A box on the map that starts at the target point and encompasses the salvo spread. That way you could see what the delay setting would look like.
4.) A New strafing segment for use with aircraft like the A-20, B-25H and so forth. The ability for the aircraft to attack all buildings within say, 5,000 yards of the target point
5.) The ability to select the aircraft skin on the flight properties page. I think a drop down list of only the approved skins would be the best way to do it.
Thanks HTC