Author Topic: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.  (Read 6200 times)

Offline john9001

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2008, 01:41:45 PM »
its okay, most have never heard Gods true name!!

what did it tell you it's name was?

Offline ink

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2008, 02:21:43 PM »
Ink, I was curious about a couple of things after reading your post:

1)  Your argument seems on the surface to argue from a Jewish point of view, but with messianic characteristics.  With that said, are you Orthodox or are you more of a messianic Jew, or are you Jewish at all?  (I only ask because I want to see what direction you come from on this issue)[/color][/color]
     no i am not jewish, i am half irish and half french, i did not grow up any "type" of religion, actually i Hated God,(growing up) since i was about 10 years old, maybe younger! but sense then Yahaveh has enlightened me to the truth.

2) I believe you said in your post that Jesus is NOT God.  Are you saying that when Jesus became flesh that he laid aside His deity to come to earth? Or, was he
created as a lesser being than God the Father in the first place?  How does this affect your view of the Trinity

      i did say (jesus) Yehushua, is not God, he is GODs first creation, he is not the creator! my view of the trinity is its False religion!!

2b) I am also curious...  If you believe that Jesus is not fully God, how do you view the atonement on Calvary?  Was it actually a perfect sacrifice if the blood shed by Christ was not fully God's.  Was that sacrifice sufficient as the author of Hebrews mentions in Chapter 9, with Christ's blood (which established the New Covenant) being a "better" blood than the sacrifices seen in The Old Testament?

      Yehushua is our God, his father in heaven gave him his power and seat, yes it was a perfect sacrifice because he is Yahavehs first creation! by his Blood we are saved!    read Mathew 10, 32  "Therefore whoever confesses me before men, him i will also confess before my Father who is in heaven."
    i say again i am just a man who loves his creator and wishes all GOOD men to see the truth and not be denied the free gift of salvation! false religion is rampant in the world today but knowledge is increasing, and all will have the ability to deny or accept Gods sacrifice!


Please do not take this as an attack.  I am very intrigued by your post, and I look forward to hearing your answers.

<S>  ClevMan

Clevman i dont feel you are attacking me, even if you where, Yahaveh made me well able to deal, through the life ive seen and the things i have been through!

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2008, 02:23:14 PM »
what did it tell you it's name was?


Offline ink

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2008, 02:29:31 PM »
what did it tell you it's name was?

of course he did

Exodus 3,15

  "moreover God said to Moses"thus you shall say to the children of Israel:
"The LORD"(<--Yahaveh) God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. this is my name, forever,and this is My memorial to all generations"

 even a child can understand

Offline Halo46

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2008, 03:19:21 PM »
Now Ink, I usually enjoy your posts on here about your strong family group, but proselytizing is not really relevant to improving the game is it? You should get on the knit side when Bibleman is on a rant, very funny. I am not bashing your beliefs, I appreciate anything that helps people with direction, all I ask is they enjoy it in peace and I will enjoy mine in peace, and quiet.

Please, if someone asks if you have been given some info by God, just answer yes or no, if it is in the bible, then he really didn't give it to you, he gave it to Moses (in this example), and Moses, or someone else, gave it to you. I only ask bro that I be allowed to cruise the BBS and the virtual skies killing and being killed in peace. Hmm, kind of an oxymoron I guess, but so was military intelligence.

Any argument can be made for or against anything, especially if logical fallacies are used (see any modern rhetoric for the most part). Well, I wont stoke any embers, see ya up there man. Salute. :aok :salute
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

Offline ink

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2008, 03:25:33 PM »
Now Ink, I usually enjoy your posts on here about your strong family group, but proselytizing is not really relevant to improving the game is it? You should get on the knit side when Bibleman is on a rant, very funny. I am not bashing your beliefs, I appreciate anything that helps people with direction, all I ask is they enjoy it in peace and I will enjoy mine in peace, and quiet.

Please, if someone asks if you have been given some info by God, just answer yes or no, if it is in the bible, then he really didn't give it to you, he gave it to Moses (in this example), and Moses, or someone else, gave it to you. I only ask bro that I be allowed to cruise the BBS and the virtual skies killing and being killed in peace. Hmm, kind of an oxymoron I guess, but so was military intelligence.

Any argument can be made for or against anything, especially if logical fallacies are used (see any modern rhetoric for the most part). Well, I wont stoke any embers, see ya up there man. Salute. :aok :salute

well i started this thread because last night in MA there was alot of God bashing,
  that being said i did start this in the O'club

and if its in the bible its for all of us!
 thank ya

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2008, 03:42:30 PM »

well i started this thread because last night in MA there was alot of God bashing,
  that being said i did start this in the O'club

and if its in the bible its for all of us!
 thank ya

True it is the O'club, but it is also proselytizing, and quoting the bible to defend the bible is not a logical truth. Also, the belief that "if it is in the bible it is for all of us" does not answer the question of whether something was given to you directly, it just means you are getting the info indirectly. This does not take away from the value of the info, just allows for the evaluation of it. For what it is worth, you can thank Constatine for the bible. He had final editing rights. Take it easy man, see ya.
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

Offline E25280

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2008, 03:55:30 PM »
I must take issue with this part:

he is not God, he is NOT the creator, Yahaveh, (not yahweh, not jahoveh, not the LORD)Yahaveh is our creator!
You can use Yahaveh if you want, but why slam those who use Yahweh or Jehovah?  After all, even "Yahaveh" is only an English version of the Tetragrammaton ( יהוה ), the same as Yahweh or the more Germanic Jehovah.  I doubt anyone here speaks paleo-hebrew, so the exact pronunciation isn't really known.  I personally don't see anything wrong with any of the three.
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Offline E25280

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2008, 03:56:47 PM »
True it is the O'club, but it is also proselytizing, and quoting the bible to defend the bible is not a logical truth.
I must have missed the O'Club rule that there must be no proselytizing or Bible discussions allowed.
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
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Offline Halo46

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2008, 04:03:20 PM »
I must have missed the O'Club rule that there must be no proselytizing or Bible discussions allowed.

True, I failed to express myself correctly originally. I stand corrected and will not expound. Touche. :salute :aok

Edit: I never implied he broke any forum rules... sorry for expounding a little...
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:11:31 PM by Halo46 »
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

Offline E25280

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2008, 04:09:15 PM »
 :salute :aok
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
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Offline ink

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2008, 04:17:47 PM »
I must take issue with this part:
You can use Yahaveh if you want, but why slam those who use Yahweh or Jehovah?  After all, even "Yahaveh" is only an English version of the Tetragrammaton ( יהוה ), the same as Yahweh or the more Germanic Jehovah.  I doubt anyone here speaks paleo-hebrew, so the exact pronunciation isn't really known.  I personally don't see anything wrong with any of the three.

actually Yahaveh is not english it is Hebrew, and i will not slam anyone for trying to use Gods name!!
  and yes the exact pronunciation is known, YHVH are the Hebrew letters that make up Gods name, for some reason(to confuse) the y is translated to j, and the v to w,(but not always)
the Hebrew language has no vowels in it They use dots and dashes under or over the letters to show how the pronunciation is sounded out! back when the bible was written they did not even use those, 
    ill explain why i believe Yahaveh is correct.
  i have tattooed on my right hand the Hebrew letters YHVH,(also on my chin, just not when this happened)  about 3 months after we opened a tat shop i helped build,  3 younger people came into the shop, they started talking in a different language, i knew right away it was Hebrew,( i tried to teach myself Hebrew)  i had a huge hangup over Gods name and its pronunciation, i asked these 3 people where they where from? well, well, they where born and raised in Jerusalem, as soon as they said this to me, i showed them my right hand and asked them what it was? they say God, i say "ya i know but how do you say it?" they say well the first thing we are taught as children is to not say Gods name, i looked at them and was like "please tell me" and two of them at the same time say "Yahaveh"
  they where thankfully young around there 20s so where less strict in following the Hebrew laws.   any way i ask them what where they looking for as far as Tattoos go? you know what they say?  we are not looking for tattoos we where driving by and had a overwhelming feeling we had to stop in.
    what more can i say?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:25:31 PM by ink »

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2008, 04:20:24 PM »
Allah! = :furious
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Offline E25280

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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2008, 04:33:24 PM »
actually . . .
Good story.

I was speaking a little more generically, though.  Even setting regional dialects aside, if you took an English speaker of 500 years ago vs. a modern English speaker, reading the same words, you would have differences in the way they pronounce the words (some subtle, some very obvious).  I have a hard time believing that modern Hebrew speakers sound exactly the same as Hebrew speakers of 8000 years ago.

But that is all entirely beside the point.  Your main point, that God has a name ( יהוה ), and that he wants it to be known, is perfectly valid.
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
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Re: Yahaveh,Yahushua, the truth.
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2008, 04:40:27 PM »
ink, God may have given you peace but he didn't show how to spell.
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