I am trying to figure out how to begin this, well i guess at the beginning!!!!!
"in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth.
the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
OK i am going to explain a bit that no religion teaches, at the moment God created "Light" he created his son, who is the "LIGHT" to the world. 1st john chapter1 confirms this "That which was from the beginning..." There are so many other verses that confirm this please read the bible ask God to show you the truth!!! (jesus) Yahushua, see jesus (the name) is Greek, I am sorry but my savior was born Hebrew, his name was NOT and is NOT jesus, Yahushua, is our saviour he his our God, For Yahaveh gives him his power!! he is not God, he is NOT the creator, Yahaveh, (not yahweh, not jahoveh, not the LORD)Yahaveh is our creator!
see Satan is tricky he wants to confuse Gods children's minds, and sad to say he is doing his job well, when you do decide to pick up that bible you will notice The LORD, in many places, how about 6,551 times, ya 6,551, well when the original writers of this letter wrote what Yahaveh told them to write they wrote his name, Yahaveh wants us to know his name "only those who call upon my name shall be saved..."
at some point the scribes who rewrote the letter from Yahaveh decided his name was to sacred to say or write, so they took out his name and replaced it with " adon" meaning master. hence "The LORD"
i have found a verse Jeremiah 23,27 "who try to make my people forget my name..." please read it my friends, don't listen to what people say the bible says read it for your self, discern it, study it, eternity is so much longer than this mortal life we have now!!!!!
don't think about what people have done "in Gods name" thats people NOT our creator!!
okay here is another one that "religion" has pushed on to people, the cross, the cross is a pagen symbol or idol, the original word for cross in greek is "Stauros" meaning stake. think about it this way even if it was a cross that our savior died upon, why would he want us to remember him by his implement of death? The third commandment states "you shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth..."
seems pretty clear to me!!!!! besides the cross IS a pagen symbol, that was adopted into Christendom!!!
Yahaveh does not enjoy Idols they are an abomination to him, read the bible and find out for your self!!!
here is another truth the king James bible was written in the 1600s, it is not perfect but with some study the truth will be found!
people "religion" will say of course the bible is perfect well want some proof?
Hosea 12,5 in KJV "That is the LORD God of Hosts.
The LORD is his memorable name."
Hosea 12,6 in the Hebrew bible"yet the LORD,the God of Hosts, must be invoked as"LORD"
think about this
here is another
Isaiah 44,5 KJV "one will say"i am the LORD'S;
Another will call himself by the name of Jacob;
Another will write with his hand"The LORD'S",
and name himself by the name of Israel."
Hebrew Isaiah 44,5
"one shall say,"i am The LORD'S,another shall use the name of "Jacob",
Another shall mark his arm"of the "LORD", and adopt the name of "Israel"
See how they are almost identical? but they are not!!!! get yourself a Hebrew bible and compare even a Greek one, search for the truth, don't get a book on what the bible says or listen to what Men say the bible says read the bible it is wonderful and full of enlightenment,
my one piece of advice when you read the bible and you see The"LORD" in caps say gods name or when you see it like this The Lord "GOD" God in caps that is where God wanted his name placed. read it as Yahaveh
Also when you read "Jesus Christ" THAT should be read Yahushua the messiah.
i wish ALL who read this enlightenment and maybe a little understanding about the wonderful letter Yahaveh has sent to us!!!!
if anyone has a question or needs some help please feel free to ask!! i will respond to ALL.
peace be to you