Author Topic: Allied CO#s AAR GMT-TOD Mission6  (Read 525 times)

Offline Duckwing6

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Allied CO#s AAR GMT-TOD Mission6
« on: April 13, 2000, 07:48:00 AM »

The Mission was to fly Patrol along the front and to make a bomb drop on a few enemy collummns reported in the F21 and F22 area.

The setup was as follows:

1 Flight of 4 P38's
1 Flight of 6 Spitfires MkIX
1 Flight of LA5's (up to 8)

Unfortunately the LA5's didn't make it to the combat area as they got stopped enroute in Lack'o Pilotvts due to bad weather. So the second patrole had to use the few other Spits available.

The plan called for the P38's taking off at F2 then proceed north to F3 and cross mountains towards F22, drop their bombs from high alt and proceed back, while the spits would set up a BARCAP just over the mountains to engage the enemy patrols thus keeping them busy for the fast P38 strike to proceed. While one SPit flight was meant to stay free to assist in the P38's escape and then relief the engaged Spits.


  • Lead Ceeray
  • Blitz
1st Flight Spitfires:
  • Lead Skyrader
  • Timbers
  • Beach
  • Fariz
  • JMW
  • LUPO
2nd Flight of Spitfires:
  • Lead Duckwing6
  • Snafu
Combat reports from Flight leaders:

Ceeray:We took off from f2 and started towars N, soon after we passed f3 by we headed to f21 at 30k feet. Enemy was ruling at f21 so we changed to next target, f22, and we made safe drops. No enemy activity until we extended from target area southwards. Blitz had a damaged plane due to ack and I ordered him to head home. Drago had 3 109s after him and I had to help him a little. We ran on our side of mountains and there 109`s caught us. Drago had to help me and furball ensued. I lost wing and took chute 5 miles F7 W. Drago was soon shot down and he managed to get out too. Both survived. Blitz made forced landing on f4, plane salvageable.

Skyrader:we took of from F1 heading north to F8 in a gentle climb. Thanks to timbers he told me a few mins later that my gears are still down!     *phew*
We reached the Mountains at aprox 25-30k and turned west to Patrol the front Line.
The next minutes just goes buy without any action, we flown again East, then West all the time watching for cons. Then i got the message from Duck he had viz
on our P38 down in the Canyons and there where followed by 109! so we engaged. Only Fariz stayed high and covered us. Duck and I got into a fast dogfight against a 109, he got the Kill i got the assist. Then i ordered the Spits to fly South and gain again altitude. At this point Fariz engaged a group of 109 alone.

Fariz:" I saw 7 dots, all 109. I made one ho pass, avoiding all of them,
then grabbed ahead. Their initial e advantage were lost when they turned after me. So I dragged 4 of them, hoping that friendlies will grab high enough to stay alive against
that high threat.
As all the war strategist know battle is won by the last side which has a fresh reserves. So, dragging them away was my only hope"

Fariz got two 109 in this engagement. As all Spit Pilots went south grabbing alt we where soon near F7 and i saw timbers in a dogfight with two 109 near ground, so i went down for help.
The two 109 then tryed to escape, i got one as he tryed to let me overshoot(SCBecks). Timbers was hit before and had problems with his plane, i think he lost left elevator and couldn't pull up in time and crashed.

JMW:"I got my sights on a Me109 but he was too fast and I missed. Went on to
the next
one who was apperently at the top of a looping. I shot and killed the Me109.
As I shot of
his wing I saw him explode behind me, no chute... ...but then I got shot by
another Me109.
Plane went down, I bailed above friendly territory."

Now more and more 109 came in from high alt, some Spits tryed to escape in the friendly ACK fire at F3. I gave orders to brake off and fly home. At this time we lost LUPO.

Duckwing6: Me and Snafu departed with the other flight of Spits from F1 adn headed north right away, all in all we stayed close to the flight all the time. After the P38's had made their drop on F22 (unfortunately due to unclear orders they dropped from lower alt and got jumped), they were being chased south towards F7 by a whole pulk of 109's, as soon as we got seighting i ordered the flights to engage. In the ongoing battle i made 2 huge tactical mistakes.. I lost my wingman out of sight, and i got ALL of us low, instead of ordering at least some to stay high. Anyhow in the ongoing fight i managed to get 2 kills, and got quite a few cal. 0303's into another 109 down low which didn't seem to cause any big damage. Out of ammo and low on fuel i RTB'ed to F4 ordering the remainders of the flights to disengage and RTB aswell as another flight of high 109's showed up over the mountains.

Snafu:" After an eventful start (I had engine trouble - Got Discoed on the
Runway). I re logged and asked if it was OK to re join as I was on
the ground at the time. Duck said it was so I engaged "wep" and
joined my squadron NW of F7. We patrolled the front for several
minutes and presently saw many "Bandit's" approaching over the
mountains, we gained height and "Duck" gave the order to engage.
I followed Duck into the Melee and observed him make one pass on
a 109. The resultant evasives of the 109 forced him directly into
my sights at a range of approx 150yds, I fired and saw his wing
brake free and looking back at my six watched the pilot (maik)
jump to safety Sorry forgot to film after my disco but I do have
a screenshot. I then made a single pass on 2 109's N of F7 (No Hit's)
and swung back climbing to re join the flight. Duck was engaged
in another H2H and I took my "eye off the ball" for a second or
2 while trying to manouver for a shot and got caught by "Camo"
with no speed and he took my tail off from my six. Nothing left
to do but bail and reflect on my lack of SA. Fortunatley I landed
approx half a kilometre from F7 so Walked home."


Bombing was success , all 1000lbs dropped on f22

    ceeray : bailed out (over friendly Teritory)
    DRAGO  : bailed out (over friendly teritory)
    BLitz  : ditched at F4
No Kills claimed

    Fariz           - 2kills - got disconected near F3, alive
    Skyrader   - 1kill  - rtb
    JMW      - 1kill - bailed over friendly territory
    Beach      - RTB
    Timbers (opfor)   - crashed, KIA
    LUPO      - KIA
    SCDuckw6        - 2kills - RTB
    Snafu            - 1kill  - balied over friendly teritory

All in all a GREAT mission Guys !!
KUDOS to my LW Opponent !! You really had us by the balls when that 2nd flight showed up    

Phillip "Duckwing6" Artweger
Flight Officer "E" Flight
Skeleton Crew

[This message has been edited by Duckwing6 (edited 04-13-2000).]


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Allied CO#s AAR GMT-TOD Mission6
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2000, 01:40:00 PM »
I was the 4th 38 in the flight.

2 kills
snefens 109 I think
kirin in a C47


Have film if needed.

BTW, I hope this is the AAR from 2 weeks ago...That's what I'm refering too

[This message has been edited by Bull (edited 04-13-2000).]

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Allied CO#s AAR GMT-TOD Mission6
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2000, 08:31:00 AM »
Thanks, and my pleasure Duckie  


XO, Lentolaivue 34

"The really good pilots use their superior judgement to keep them out of situations
where they might be required to demonstrate their superior skill."
CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"