Author Topic: 1 sentai zero zen squad ops for sunday.  (Read 541 times)

Offline valdals

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1 sentai zero zen squad ops for sunday.
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:23:54 PM »
i need 10 pilots to work with our squadron between the hours of 5 and 9pm sunday. the ops will entail v base captures, airfield captures, and bombing missions.   

capture of v-base.    4-tigers   2-t-34  2-wirblewind  1-m8  1-251 with troops  1-251 with vehicle supplies.
                            t-34 mission high speed penetration to base kill ack and draw gvs away from main force.
                            m8 high speed recon of enemy positions/  set up ambush from hidden postion near base
                            2-tigers  kill hangers   2 tigers- engage gvs and secure vh spawn on base
                            whirbles assigned to protect 251's. if more players available we can have fighter support