Author Topic: Next War tweaks..  (Read 1416 times)

Offline BlueTop

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Re: Next War tweaks..
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2008, 01:19:37 PM »
Command of Fleets is the only area that stands as a sore point, and although it has occurred infrequently, it takes so long to undo.  This tactic to me is the worse.  It is like a little brat with a toy who grabs it and takes it home the minute someone else is having fun with it.   :mad:

If anyone knows of any parameters already in the setup that disables control, or limits control to specific players, then I will say 98% in favor of allowing country change penalty to be reduced.   ;) If we can only rely on rank and player etiquette I will say 80% in favor. (that 18% of folks you know who you are  :cool: )

I noticed that once in a Saturday Scenario we had wind speed and direction, so fleet had to be properly positioned to allow for landings and takeoff.  I don't remember who was the skipper, but it added a lot to the experience. :D

I would like to see some wind added to the map  some weather for the whole arena.  I think that would be really kewl  :rock


Offline Hamltnblue

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Re: Next War tweaks..
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2008, 04:07:29 PM »
Problem with this idea is what of Squads? They then become split. A fix to that issue would be to add a parameter which will allow squads to fly together.
There were squads in Nova and it wasn't a problem.  When a squad wanted to come in they simply would be allowed in as the slots opened.  As long as the same side was picked they would be in the same line to get in.

Offline araiguma

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Re: Next War tweaks..
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2008, 05:07:54 PM »
Bluetop, there were some problems with CV's in Warbirds as well.  In some cases it was clearly malign behavior such as taking control of the CV and steaming it hundreds of miles off the map.  In other cases people would beach them on the shore.  Eventually control of the CV's was limited to one of the three available maps.  On two maps (Tunisia and Philippines) the CV's were scripted to run a predetermined route that resulted in opposing fleets merging.  I never liked the scripted routes, they were poorly planned and the CV's would steam at low speed making it difficult to get a fully loaded plane off the deck.  Wind over the deck for launch and recover was not factored in.  Of course the CV's in warbirds were visible to all players on every map except the WW2 arena, so their tactical use was rather limited. 

Offline a4944

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Re: Next War tweaks..
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2008, 10:31:24 AM »
Lets drop the whole on-going war concept.  This current "on-going"  war became all base capture at the end with very few good fights to be found.  There were excellent fights at the beginning of the war though.  This 24 hour downtime was horrible and just made it far worse.  There is no point in playing once all of the close fields are shut down.  So how do we get more of the early part of the war and far less of the late part?  Reset the map every night so everynight is like the early war.  It would break it down into nightly combats.  We could keep base capture then as some like the Jabo raids.  We could switch sides each night as it won't matter the next day, the maps are reset.  Alternatively, the staff could arrange a different base layout everynight on the same map rather than just resetting.  This would allow us to fight over different parts of the map on different days.  This would result in great fights, just like early in the war!  Either way, drop the ongoing war. 

This game is about the balanced fights, not about trying to be a war.  I like having some kind of backdrop for the fights but deempasize the stragic on-going aspect and focus on the fight.  Having winners and losers for a "war" is bringing out the worse in people.  The real win is having good back and forth fights with respect for your opponents.
