April SatKOTH Results
SatKOTH lasted about 5 hours and we had 14 rounds. Roughly 30+ people participated and we had 5 Wabbits in total. Congratulations to Dedalos for the win!! He choose the BF109f-4 for May first ride.
Round wins:
1. AKRraven in a BF109G-6
2. BearKats in a BF109G-2
3. BearKats in a Ki84 (Wabbit)
4. Bosco123 in a C202
5. Bosco123 in a P39D (Wabbit)
6. Dedalos in a F4U-1C
7. AKDogg in a P40E
8. AKJrDogg in a Spitfire MkI
9. AKDogg in a D3A (Wabbit)
10. Poser in a Bf109F-4
11. Poser in a F6F-5 Spitfire MkV (Wabbit)
12. Dedalos in a P51-D (Wabbit)
13. JimBeam in a F4U-1D
14. Dedalos Wins in a Hurricane MkI (Winner)
Tournament Of Champions invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH: Dedalos
Wabbits: AKdogg, BearKats, Bosco123, Poser