Author Topic: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists  (Read 19385 times)

Offline moot

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2008, 09:00:25 AM »
Lazs it doesn't matter if the extremist atheist activists go foaming at the mouth because of this movie.  What matters is the truth.  The truth is that the movie is a shoddy piece of misleading Creationist/ID crap, just as Moore's movies were liberal wacko hack job that sent conservative extremists foaming and raving.
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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2008, 09:04:05 AM »
Yeah, it does sound as if Stein is following in Moore's sorry footsteps.
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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2008, 09:10:29 AM »
Yeah, it does sound as if Stein is following in Moore's sorry footsteps.

He better watch out for the oil slicks left by the Big Macs.
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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2008, 09:10:53 AM »
I think that a majority of the public is not well informed on the sciences.  I think that anyone who claims that evolution is about lightning striking a mudpuddle, is severely mis-informed.  I think that religion(as far as it's take on evolutionary science) does much more harm than good for the sake of mankind.  I think that religion will continue to hamper mankind's progress, just as it has for the last 2000 years.  I do not think being liberal or conservative has any place in science. :aok

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Offline john9001

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2008, 09:50:47 AM »
does the church still think the sun revolves around the earth?

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2008, 10:04:45 AM »
does the church still think the sun revolves around the earth?
Yes, they think that Copernicus started a liberal conspiracy! :rolleyes:

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2008, 10:12:13 AM »
The Catholic Church has no problem with Evolution. In fact I was taught Darwin in a Catholic grade school back in the 60's.

I wonder when the rest of the USA will wake up?

Offline lasersailor184

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2008, 10:52:49 AM »
The Catholic Church has no problem with Evolution. In fact I was taught Darwin in a Catholic grade school back in the 60's.

I wonder when the rest of the USA will wake up?

That wasn't because they agree with it.

It was a hint that maybe you're not 'Heaven Material.'   :aok
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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2008, 10:53:43 AM »
3 pages and what, 1 or 2 have seen the movie?

Offline cpxxx

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2008, 10:56:14 AM »
The Catholic Church doesn't have a literal belief in the bible. It recognises it for what it is. In fact while they don't discourage Catholics from reading the bible. They don't particularly encourage it either. My parents were devout but there was never a Bible in our house. 

You don't have to see the movie to know the plot. I for one never watched a Michael Moore film right through even though I sometimes agree with some of his stuff. You know the agenda before you even watch it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 10:57:55 AM by cpxxx »

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2008, 11:03:49 AM »
I wonder how many creationist' have actually read the entire bible? 

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2008, 11:09:51 AM »
Is it really that bad? 

I thought it was pretty bad. I wasn't expecting an even-handed documentary, but to give you an idea of the level of thought, there were several times when they showed Nazi concentration camp videos or Hitler, in a very clumsy attempt to tie what they kept calling "Darwinism" with killing innocent people.

Most of all though, it just seemed poorly made and worst of all, not very entertaining. Kind of like those old venereal disease films you had to watch in high school, except not as funny.

But hey, see it for yourself if you're interested. But I would try to get a free ticket like I did or you might be ticked that you paid for it.

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2008, 11:10:50 AM »
delete duplicate
« Last Edit: April 21, 2008, 11:12:21 AM by myelo »
Bastard coated bastard, with a creamy bastard filling

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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2008, 11:41:55 AM »
The Catholic Church has no problem with Evolution. In fact I was taught Darwin in a Catholic grade school back in the 60's.

I wonder when the rest of the USA will wake up?

Galileo had a different experience  :)


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Re: Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2008, 12:20:08 PM »
Science is a religion Storch?

From the Shermer article, on Stein's documentary:
Are you saying, Storch, that to follow protocol such as science's methodology for testing ideas with practical experiments, makes someone into a darwinist?
Not only has Creationism been mostly wrong in its predictions so far, it also provides nothing in the way of scientific or technological progress.  Even if it weren't pseudoscience, it's a dead end.

what I'm saying moot is that in the disciplines of physics and evolution science is in a quagmire of it's own making.

theoretical physics has not progessed since the late 60's early 70's  quantum physics and general relativity are at odds and incompatible.  there isn't a single cosmologist that has even a hint of a clue as to what caused the "big bang" or what may have preceeded it.

you don't even want to get started on the darwinists as I have covered that in previous debates.

all I'm saying is that at this juncture in time it takes an equal amount of faith to accept the biblical view on creation as does to believe what "science" offers up.

until scientific theory is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt I accept the biblical interpretation of creation.  I will further state that I believe science will never have an answer to how or to why.  they have stopped asking why, if indeed they ever did.