Author Topic: Suggestions to udie  (Read 498 times)

Offline Suave1

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Suggestions to udie
« on: August 20, 2000, 05:01:00 PM »
First of all thanks for doing an air to ground combat scenario, great fun . But in the future I think your gonna have to give the vehicles a longer distance to drive. It took them a whole what ? 30 minutes to reach the destination . If it weren't for a lone 75mm HE round and a gunner with good aim I would've rtb'd and rearmed. But that wouldn't have done me anygood becuase by the time I would've made it back they would've already been to 58 . Also, maybe you could stage it around 1, that way the dirt targets would have terrain on their side. The allies were doomed from the start today, no way 6 or 7 typhoons could've taken out that many vehicles in one sortie . Anyway that's my 2 bits I hope you do this again real soon .

Offline Udie

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Suggestions to udie
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2000, 03:28:00 PM »

 Your correct about everything. That's why I made the last minute changes in the event.  Moved the allied base to a18 and gave them 2 lives each.

The first launch I joined as a gunner on one of the tanks. I saw where we were on the map and how far away a19 was, so I moved you guys to 18 for a shorter trip.  Then I realized that we had like 10+ panzers and only 6 typhoon's so I gave the typh's that extra life.  Then I changed the order for them to destroy v57 instead of the panzers, this was once 3 of the panzers had made it to 57 and had launched in 109's.

 There were defenately some big flaws in the design, but I think fun was had. I hope you enjoyed the event regardless of the flaws.  I think the over all concept of that kind of mission is great. The only thing that needs work is team ballance and travel distance.  But it would have taken over an hour to drive from v58 to v56 or v57, that seems a bit too long to me.  It could easily lead to a 2 hour frame, which makes it hard to have 2 frames.

 Stick with us though we're learning   Before too long we'll have some well organised events.  Have to learn to walk before we run and learn to crawl before we walk.  Right now we're just figuring out that we have feet   j/k i'd say we're at the crawling phase right now, but with every event we learn something new...


Offline Camel

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Suggestions to udie
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2000, 05:40:00 PM »
Ill add one more suggestion,

Dont let Camel CO    

[This message has been edited by Camel (edited 08-22-2000).]