Yenny, I wasn't trying to be harsh with you, just trying to point out that you had other options than the rope. I'm sure you just aren't aware of them because you don't have enough time in the plane (trust me, after only 4 months you can't).
On the deck in a 190 you are just fine as long as you're at or near corner speed. That also gives you enough speed to use a short vertical for a reverse, and if worse comes to worse, I have dropped all three notches of flaps to surprise some guys in far better turning planes.
Sure, I bet you have died trying to t'n'b in a 190 but what did you learn from it besides don't do it? What could you have done? In every fight theres always at least one moment where, had you done something a little differently, the outcome might have been reversed.
What you missed out on in the DA from the way you played it, was the reason to DA in the first place; to learn everything you can about the plane you're in. Everyone knows Dora's are fast and that they are one of the better ropers. Not everyone knows where it's turn limits are, what it's low speed handling is like, how to put it's roll rate to best use, what acm's are effective in it or when to use flaps or rudder among other things. Learning the things others don't know is how you're going to beat them because they probably already know the obvious.