Author Topic: My honest first impressions of the game  (Read 2081 times)

Offline flygreen

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My honest first impressions of the game
« on: April 25, 2008, 07:10:32 PM »
Please take this as honest, constructive criticism.

I'm on google trends, and I see, so I run to the site, see it's an online multiplayer flying sim, and I think "Wow neat" and I see a free trial period and think "oh cool.  I'll download this".

So I download this game, install it, load it up.  Register inside the game and can jump right in.  So far everything's working out great.  Then I get inside the game ........

I think I'm a decently smart guy, and I've played a good variety of games in my life.  Every game I've played I pretty much can jump into and at least do basic stuff.  A game either has intuitive controls or has those "Welcome to the game.  Press 'X' button to start moving forward' screens when I get inside.

Well I get into this game and I'm sitting on a field.  Hmmm now what?  I press W for forward, then try Up arrow.  Nothing happens.  I start randomly pressing keys to see if anything will happen, and nothing happens.  I think I found a button to shoot bullets though.  So I figure it's inside the options menus somewhere.  I click through the options menus, find a controls part, and it's got like 6 radio buttons and so I try the flight one and it's got like 30 or so options... hmmmm don't see anything about how to get in the air there.  But I see an option for controllers, so I think I'll plug in my LogiTech Rumblepad and maybe the controls will be more intuitive.  Close game.  Plug in controller.  Restart game.  Load back in.  Press a few buttons. Still can't get off the ground.  I think I found a button that does chat '/', so I press it and ask a few questions.  Don't get any help.... hmmmm oh someone says something about  So I close the game, load up that website and it starts talking about rudders and some other stuff.  I know what that is in real life, but what does that mean inside the game?  Read around some more.  Finally get back into the game.  Press some more buttons on my controller, and after almost half an hour give up.

I leave the game, never to return.  I don't believe I am alone in this experience, and feel that what could be an otherwise great game is loosing customers because of bad first impressions.

This is a type of game that, if done well, I would realistically pay money to play or at least recommend to friends so they can pay money to play it.  Unfortunately I can't do that because I can't figure out how to get off the ground.  I almost didn't post, but thought it would be good to convey my experience as what I hope is constructive criticism.  While I was inside the game, each time I saw people "How do I get off the ground" so I at least know I'm not alone.  I truly wish this game the best, and only post this in hopes they can somehow do more to make a better first impression on future players.

Offline Lusche

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 07:19:32 PM »
Unfortunately this is a SIM, not a "press button to fly" game.
Setting up your controls and getting a bit of very basic knowledge about them is necessary.
When read "how to fly" I always tell them to read the telling "Getting Started". It actually IS the easiest and fastest way to get in the air, even if many newcomers do refuse to believe me.
Talking a new player through set up of his controllers and getting airborne is more time consuming than reading that short section, which takes no more than 10-15mins.
Many of us have no problem anwering simple questions, but a detailed instructions are not always possible while flying & and fighting ourself.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2008, 07:21:07 PM by Lusche »
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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 08:53:20 PM »
I leave the game, never to return.  I don't believe I am alone in this experience, and feel that what could be an otherwise great game is loosing customers because of bad first impressions.

As already mentioned this isnt a "game". The problem lies not in your experience but in your expectations. You expected "easy" and you got a does of reality. I'm not aware of any online "game" that has a full time training arena, exceptionally capable training cadre and a relatively supportive general community...and still takes at least 18 months do become reasonably proficient at.

It sounds like your used to (or want) either a 1st person shooter or MMOG with pixie dust and magic wands....

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Offline uberslet

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 09:10:47 PM »
this SIM is a hard one to learn. as been mentioned, it takes time and just reading things is easiest. i been playing almost 2 years (will be in August) and i never went to the Training Arena so i been self taught this hole time, and find it harder to fly than normal. You did the right thing in going to the Training Arena first, but you should have kept with it. another 30 minutes or so, maybe a little more and you would have been flying around shooting bullets at people. I say give it another chance, try it again, Private Message one of the many trainers (BadBoy, Murdr, Hammer, Sptaula, Rolex to name a few) even 15 minutes with them and you'll think the game is funner than what your first impression is.

Hope you'll  give the game another chance.
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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2008, 04:15:46 AM »
I too felt the same way when I first started.  I logged on couldn't get off the ground and said to myself this is the dumbest game I've ever played.  I cancelled my account but eventually came back.  You gotta give it time.  I've been playing a little over a year and I'm just starting to feel somewhat comfortable.  (Still getting my prettythang kicked, but I'm having fun)  Get with a trainer and have him show you the basics. 

I did it the hard and learned by trial and error.  Now finally a year later I'm working with a trainer.

Best of luck   :aok

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2008, 06:30:07 AM »
For those who have been in the game awhile it does seem easy to get started. I had your experience as well when I found it last November. I would have thought a "getting started" button with the game commands and stuff would be prominantly displayed on the web site and not hidden in drop down menus that can be confusing for the new person.

I persevered and someone mentioned in the Training Arena and once I found the quick reference guide I was off and running. It is a difficult game to master, but you can be up and flying/getting shot down within short order. I do think a large "Getting Started" button on the main page would not hurt anything. I don't like to be a pest when getting started and having to ask a lot of questions I know can get annoying for the older players.

I generally monitor the help channel for new guys to ask questions, the only ones who get on my nerves are the ones who continue to ask the same question after it has been answered by several people instead of asking for clarification.

The Training Arena is usually the best place to get help, I have never been turned down or ignored when asking for help. In the main arenas people are usually too busy fighting to answer, a few will if they are climbing out or taking a break though. Learn the little subculture of the game and have fun. I make a very nice candle while flying.  :D
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2008, 07:20:17 AM »
Please take this as honest, constructive criticism.

I'm on google trends, and I see, so I run to the site, see it's an online multiplayer flying sim, and I think "Wow neat" and I see a free trial period and think "oh cool.  I'll download this".

So I download this game, install it, load it up.  Register inside the game and can jump right in.  So far everything's working out great.  Then I get inside the game ........

I think I'm a decently smart guy, and I've played a good variety of games in my life.  Every game I've played I pretty much can jump into and at least do basic stuff.  A game either has intuitive controls or has those "Welcome to the game.  Press 'X' button to start moving forward' screens when I get inside.

Well I get into this game and I'm sitting on a field.  Hmmm now what?  I press W for forward, then try Up arrow.  Nothing happens.  I start randomly pressing keys to see if anything will happen, and nothing happens.  I think I found a button to shoot bullets though.  So I figure it's inside the options menus somewhere.  I click through the options menus, find a controls part, and it's got like 6 radio buttons and so I try the flight one and it's got like 30 or so options... hmmmm don't see anything about how to get in the air there.  But I see an option for controllers, so I think I'll plug in my LogiTech Rumblepad and maybe the controls will be more intuitive.  Close game.  Plug in controller.  Restart game.  Load back in.  Press a few buttons. Still can't get off the ground.  I think I found a button that does chat '/', so I press it and ask a few questions.  Don't get any help.... hmmmm oh someone says something about  So I close the game, load up that website and it starts talking about rudders and some other stuff.  I know what that is in real life, but what does that mean inside the game?  Read around some more.  Finally get back into the game.  Press some more buttons on my controller, and after almost half an hour give up.

I leave the game, never to return.  I don't believe I am alone in this experience, and feel that what could be an otherwise great game is loosing customers because of bad first impressions.

This is a type of game that, if done well, I would realistically pay money to play or at least recommend to friends so they can pay money to play it.  Unfortunately I can't do that because I can't figure out how to get off the ground.  I almost didn't post, but thought it would be good to convey my experience as what I hope is constructive criticism.  While I was inside the game, each time I saw people "How do I get off the ground" so I at least know I'm not alone.  I truly wish this game the best, and only post this in hopes they can somehow do more to make a better first impression on future players.

before totally giving up, go to the help page from hitech's main page. there's lots of good helpful info there. you don't need a fancy joystick to get can buy a cheapo and get started......then spend some time in the training arena...then you'll be up and dying jut like the rest of us in no time!
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Offline Rolex

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2008, 08:14:45 AM »
Interesting idea. Maybe hitech could write some coad so new players (and small mammals) could push keys at random to get into the plane of their choice and into the air?

There is a big box on the home page that blinks Click Here! to Get Started Now.
It leads you by the hand, step-by-step, on:

  • Downloading
  • Installing
  • Configuring your video
  • Starting up
  • Create your account
  • Configure a joystick or mouse
  • Other options
  • Your first flight

Those seem like constructive steps to get started.

Offline Yossarian

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2008, 08:46:30 AM »
I think I'm a decently smart guy, and I've played a good variety of games in my life.  Every game I've played I pretty much can jump into and at least do basic stuff.  A game either has intuitive controls or has those "Welcome to the game.  Press 'X' button to start moving forward' screens when I get inside.

This game does have a very steep learning curve, but I'd have to agree with this.  A getting started screen would be nice.

Unfortunately this is a SIM, not a "press button to fly" game.
Setting up your controls and getting a bit of very basic knowledge about them is necessary.
When read "how to fly" I always tell them to read the telling "Getting Started". It actually IS the easiest and fastest way to get in the air, even if many newcomers do refuse to believe me.
Talking a new player through set up of his controllers and getting airborne is more time consuming than reading that short section, which takes no more than 10-15mins.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is also a simulator (albeit not the best IMO), and it has a very comprehensive help and getting started section.  I can't think of any reason why this game can't have a "getting started guide" integrated into it.

Well I get into this game and I'm sitting on a field.  Hmmm now what?  I press W for forward, then try Up arrow.  ... start randomly pressing keys to see if anything will happen, and nothing happens.  I think I found a button to shoot bullets though.  So I figure it's inside the options menus somewhere.  I click through the options menus, find a controls part, and it's got like 6 radio buttons and so I try the flight one ...  hmmmm don't see anything about how to get in the air there.  But I see an option for controllers, so I think I'll plug in my LogiTech Rumblepad and maybe the controls will be more intuitive.  ...  Press a few buttons. Still can't get off the ground.  I think I found a button that does chat '/', so I press it and ask a few questions.  Don't get any help.... hmmmm oh someone says something about  ... that website and it starts talking about rudders and some other stuff.  I know what that is in real life, but what does that mean inside the game?  Read around some more.  Finally get back into the game.  Press some more buttons on my controller, and after almost half an hour give up.

This is exactly what happened to me when I first downloaded this game.  I couldn't work out what to do, so I eventually got into the game, managed to select a B-17, then spent 10 minutes working out what the NW, SE, H etc buttons on the clipboard meant.  From what little I'd seen of the HTC homepage, I thought it had something to do with missions I'd fly in (this was probably around a year ago).  Eventually I gave up and forgot about the game.

However, about 6 months ago, I 'rediscovered' it, and had a bit more luck.  I happened to have my joystick plugged in this time, and eventually got took off in a Corsair.  I managed to land it successfully.   :D 

I leave the game, never to return.  I don't believe I am alone in this experience, and feel that what could be an otherwise great game is loosing customers because of bad first impressions.

This is a type of game that, if done well, I would realistically pay money to play or at least recommend to friends so they can pay money to play it.  Unfortunately I can't do that because I can't figure out how to get off the ground.  I almost didn't post, but thought it would be good to convey my experience as what I hope is constructive criticism.  While I was inside the game, each time I saw people "How do I get off the ground" so I at least know I'm not alone.  I truly wish this game the best, and only post this in hopes they can somehow do more to make a better first impression on future players.

I fully agree with this.  Aces High is an excellent game (yes, I know it may technically be a simulation, but at the end of the day it's a game, like it or not) but I'm sure most people who download this game have a similar experience.


As already mentioned this isnt a "game". The problem lies not in your experience but in your expectations. You expected "easy" and you got a does of reality. I'm not aware of any online "game" that has a full time training arena, exceptionally capable training cadre and a relatively supportive general community...and still takes at least 18 months do become reasonably proficient at.

It sounds like your used to (or want) either a 1st person shooter or MMOG with pixie dust and magic wands....

I disagree with this post almost entirely. 
a) It is a game, as I said above, but that's irrelevant here.
b) I fail to see how his expectations have anything to do with the quality (or rather existence of) an in-game help section/getting started guide.
c) I know I'm going back to point a) again, but I wouldn't call chasing pixels around on a screen realistic (yes, this is an immense, pedantic generalisation).
d) I'd agree that the TA is excellent, but there aren't always trainers (or anyone, for that matter) in there
e) It can be difficult to work out how to get online in the first place, and once you do, if you come across the wrong person, the accuracy of your statement about "a relatively supportive general community" would seem very suspect to a new player.

Sorry if this sounds harsh/aggressive, I don't actually mean for it to be.

Anyway, from the perspective of a new player, when I first downloaded this game, I assumed it was one of those old, no longer updated, primitive games.  My impression of the graphics supported that opinion.

For a completely new player, even the simplest thing becomes a nightmare.  The best way I can describe it is as if you were trying to use a computer, but without a mouse or a keyboard.  If you click the "close" button on the clipboard, chances are you won't know how to open it again.

The simplest functions in this game are NOT obvious to a new player.

Whilst there is actually EXCELLENT help documentation, it's ridiculously well-hidden.  The main website has nothing obvious on it (you need to go through a page or 2 to arrive at even a few links), and if you do track down the forum, chances are you'll be jumped on for asking a question such as "how do I get off the ground".  I am STILL finding new websites with brilliant Aces High tutorials etc, and I've been playing for around 6 months now.

Interesting idea. Maybe hitech could write some coad so new players (and small mammals) could push keys at random to get into the plane of their choice and into the air?

There is a big box on the home page that blinks Click Here! to Get Started Now.
It leads you by the hand, step-by-step, on:
Those seem like constructive steps to get started.

This post is a typical example of what I said earlier about how "if you do track down the forum, chances are you'll be jumped on for asking a question such as "how do I get off the ground". "

In conclusion, I would like to recommend TWO things:

1. That HTC asks everyone on this forum to submit links to any help pages they know of, and that these are made into a list, and that this database is then shown on the HTC home page

2. That HTC make an IN-GAME getting started guide, that includes details about how to begin flying, that links to the list requested in (1), that tells people how to do basic, yet critical things such as how to open and close the clipboard.  This should DEFINITELY be opened automatically each time a new version/patch is installed.  Also, in the first screen of this, it should tell a player HOW to open/close this help window.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2008, 08:52:03 AM »
Is AHII compatible with a gamepad?
IFAIK it's not, but I could be wrong :)
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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2008, 09:04:04 AM »
Interesting idea. Maybe hitech could write some coad so new players (and small mammals) could push keys at random to get into the plane of their choice and into the air?

There is a big box on the home page that blinks Click Here! to Get Started Now.
It leads you by the hand, step-by-step, on:

  • Downloading
  • Installing
  • Configuring your video
  • Starting up
  • Create your account
  • Configure a joystick or mouse
  • Other options
  • Your first flight

Those seem like constructive steps to get started.

Perhaps you misunderstood, Sir, I am not a proponent of "writing more coad" or doing anything other than making the link to the training section more visible. I did-done all that stuff when I first signed up, I did not have a problem with the game, just finding the key command list, (perhaps if a small mammal had been around it may have pointed it out for me so I need not have had to ask so many questions of busy trainers). :D When new it is easy to be overwhelmed with getting started. A user manual is not an unusal expectation for a game or an aircraft, the material is here, I just could not easily find it, I tended to overlook it in all the drop down menus. So, the sarcasm aside, I hope I have now expressed my suggestion clearer.
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2008, 09:06:36 AM »
As mentioned above the Home page ALREADY has a "get started now" link, and As for an in-game "getting started", it ALREADY has that too, its called the "TRAINING ARENA".

The problem with the game/sim is not the learning curve, or lack of info or anything like it. Its the expectations of some people coming into the game. To a history buff/ flight sim type most know, or hope that this game is more sim and therefore a bit more technical. Those that come in looking for afirst person/ shoot'um up expect easy controls and to beable to jump right in.

If the game was easy, it wouldn't be fun. You want easy, go play WoW or some other first person shooter game. Doesn't take time or SKILL to point and blast your enemies. If you want a challange, sign on here, spend a month of so in the training arena, then jump in the MAs and get your butt handed to you for another 6 months. After that you will become "average" and can start to work on getting good.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2008, 09:27:37 AM »
As mentioned above the Home page ALREADY has a "get started now" link, and As for an in-game "getting started", it ALREADY has that too, its called the "TRAINING ARENA".

The problem with the game/sim is not the learning curve, or lack of info or anything like it. Its the expectations of some people coming into the game. To a history buff/ flight sim type most know, or hope that this game is more sim and therefore a bit more technical. Those that come in looking for afirst person/ shoot'um up expect easy controls and to beable to jump right in.

If the game was easy, it wouldn't be fun. You want easy, go play WoW or some other first person shooter game. Doesn't take time or SKILL to point and blast your enemies. If you want a challange, sign on here, spend a month of so in the training arena, then jump in the MAs and get your butt handed to you for another 6 months. After that you will become "average" and can start to work on getting good.

For the first time I am going to argue a point on the boards. I am not a proponent of this, I try to be civil. Honestly I have to disagree with you. I believe all these "Vets" have forgotten what being new is and what a getting started button is or has to be. Perhaps it is me, but I have not heard anyone saying make the game easier, just getting the information easier.

The information that is already present is not prominantly displayed. I was on three days before I was able to locate it so I guess I do have the intelligence of a small mammal. When you know where to look it is easy. How many pilots do you know who begin training without a manual in their hands? Do you expect this to be different just to make you seem brighter and allow you an easy flame victim? What is so hard about adding a link to a web page? I am not that savvy, but even I can do that. I am honestly shocked by Rolex's reply, the others, not so much, they tend to answer most posts in this manner. This is one of the downsides of the game, but the upsides far outweigh it.

Don't be run off by poor site navagation setup or snide/sarcastic comments from players. It is fun, it is difficult, and it is rewarding. If you like aviation, WWII, and social interaction, this is the game for you.
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2008, 09:39:09 AM »
Woah... I wasn't replying to you, Halo46.

It is important to note that the original poster was unwilling to spend a few minutes reading or following any of the instructions he found. If he had questions, he would have gotten many helpful replies to any questions posted here or online.

It's hard to take someone seriously if they think hitting random keys without reading anything is a good first approach to any game.

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Re: My honest first impressions of the game
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2008, 09:41:43 AM »
Woah... I wasn't replying to you, Halo46.

It is important to note that the original poster was unwilling to spend a few minutes reading or following any of the instructions he found. If he had questions, he would have gotten many helpful replies to any questions posted here or online.

It's hard to take someone seriously if they think hitting random keys without reading anything is a good first approach to any game.

My bad Rolex, it appeared that way to me, sorry for the confusuion. But, I did the same thing, not because I did not want to read, I did want to read everything first, I just couldn't find it.  :salute
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.