He's been punished enough for his ME-262 escapade story hasn't he? After all hes just a kid.
And he learned a lesson. Never brag or make up stories that can be found out by others. Eventually he'll get to old to even bother with it anymore.
I knew a guy who always used to make up Vietnam storys. Everytime a new 'nam movie came out he'd think up a new story. We knew he was pulling our legs but his stories never hurt no'one so we let it go. Eventually someone looked at his jacket and found out he'd never even been in the service.
So "the ME-262 caper" has value for young zoo-zoo. That this is a tough crowd, that always checks, and most of what you do in this game is recorded in some way. Lesson learned? Thats why I always take what the Asians call "The low position" and say I always suck at AH. Then, if I do something spectacular, I look like a star.
So did anyone check the weather stations around zoo-zoos house the night of "The storm caper"?