Author Topic: 9./JG 54 AAR for axis vs allies field capture thingy  (Read 485 times)

Offline StSanta

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9./JG 54 AAR for axis vs allies field capture thingy
« on: March 18, 2001, 04:07:00 PM »
Was a fun event, despite technical glitches here and there.

9./JG 54 was first set up to do a JABO run on 27, but it seemed clock wasn't running, so we opted for a defensive fighter sweep instead, going through axis bases at the front.

Took off 28 and went for 32, along a good sized axis force. Once there, low P-47's were spotted and engaged. All were shot down, with one loss; Nath.

Nath decided to go up north looking for a fight, while the rest of us moved to 33 on an offensive sweep.

Seeing there were no enemies there, I ordered the squad to attack the ack. The ack was destroyed, but Kirin and me lost engine to it and were forced to ditch. As I glided, I killed the last ack.

We went back after during reup time, this time in heavy D9's. Since no one wished to take a goon, despite several calls, Habicht eventually took one.

Dropped on fh, destroyed it, and then vh. Waited for Hab to show up. He got there, landed, was about to release troops when...ACK came up! Destroyed our precious goon!

Furious with the death of the squadmate, Kirin and i wnet in. Unfortunately, ack killed Kirins engine after he took down two. I proceeded to kill the rest, all while Kirin reupped in a goon.

A while later, the field was ours, so Irearmed, took off for 34 where an Arado unsucesfully bombed the fighter hangar. Again, several goon calls were made, but axis were busy fighting off hordes of P51's and nath, Tempests. Tempest must like dying to nath''s cannons, as 5 of them fell; two of which had an alt adv and were ganging up on him.

Since there were no enemies here either, I went in on acks. Lost a flap one second run, but finished them all together with kirin who had just come back. Destroyed fh together with kirin.

Drex, 1 minute before the end of frame, stormed in a c47, released troops and won the war for the LW. For that, he is to be considered Hero of The Luftwaffe and get lots of shiny medals that will impress girls.

All in all, the south was very quiet except the initial P-47's. Kirin and I went around our business unmolested and disabled two fields, capturing one.

Was fun. Now I shall bask in my own glory until the next time  .

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"You filthy piece of distended rectum! DIE allierte schweinhund!"

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9./JG 54 AAR for axis vs allies field capture thingy
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2001, 08:31:00 PM »
Yea, we were really tuff, being heavy with ord and low and slow, glad we could give you such an inviting target

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline StSanta

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9./JG 54 AAR for axis vs allies field capture thingy
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2001, 11:48:00 PM »
Thanks ammo  .

You had the chance to give it all back at a33 and then a34  .

Luckily for all two of us, ya didn't  

Btw; two p-47's break turned when I was about to shoot. Could you instruct them to stay still next time?

Baron Claus "StSanta" Von Ribbentroppen
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"You filthy piece of distended rectum! DIE allierte schweinhund!"

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9./JG 54 AAR for axis vs allies field capture thingy
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2001, 10:56:00 AM »
heehee, will do. Thats part of our annual training ya know
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011