I have toyed with using the dispersion to send out almost a shotgun effect on the 30mm, setting one minimum distance and the others further out, i am still undecided whether it helps or not
Bad trajectory, plenty of ammo but often only a very brief opportunity to fire (lots of crossing targets at high speed), no time to "saddle up", combined with high lethality of a single round - all that let me adopt the same shotgun pattern setting. One pair set to 600yds, the other one to 300. Did work quite well last tour.
And a 262
can doghfight. Certainly not in the way of a Spit 16 or A6M, but using the amazing zoom climb, good flaps and a very good rate of roll at high speeds you can rope quite a few overeager fighters trying to follow you.
Fighting on the deck is very much possible, but for the new/casual 262 driver I would recommend using a lower alt limit of 3-5k. While the Me has weak acceleration in level flight, you can gain lots of speed very quickly when nosing down. If you are staying lower than that, try to get never slower than 400 mph.
On the other hand flying above 10k is not necessary unless you are hunting high alt buffs. But the zoom climb capability does get you quickly from 10 to 15k if needed to attack higher fighters & buffs.
Be careful when nosing down to attack lower cons.
Always cut your throttle. The 262 is quite durable (apart from the engines), but very easy to get pushed past its limits in a dive. Be especially carefull when still having more than 50% fuel, or you may rip your wings.
Finally, if your'e going to up a 262 in the MA's for the first time: Don't do it unless you have double the amount of perks necessary for it. The reason is simply psychological: You probably will lose your jet, and getting down to 200 perks doesn't suck at much as getting down to 0
Also I would recommend learning to land on one engine only. Loss of one engine is a frequent occurance when attacking buffs, and landing with asymetrical thrust can be tricky if your're not used to it.