I see a lot of people here posting about attacking buffs, but i always get raped in my 262, climb, dive, head on, direct 6, what ever angle. any tips?
I agree with Furball on the high 3 and 9 attacks but one angle that will work well (at least it does for me) is a high 6 o'clock attack. Do not fly up behind them and try and drop in spraying, that'll get you damaged before you can say "pilot wound".
The key here is speed and gun convergence. I think I have mine at about 300 or 400 yards.... With a clearly superior speed margin, close in on your buff target from at least 2k above. If you keep your closure rate nice and fast only the very best gunners will get any hits on you and these are usually only superficial. The key here is come in on something resembling a 45 degree angle and maintain this... do not pull up behind them and keep shooting. If you shoot a quick burst out in front of the buff the rounds will drop sufficiently to land on the roof of the cockpit, killing the buff instantly. This will, of course, throw their aim out for a split second and allow you to continue your dive and extend to a safe range. As you've not pulled any serious G in your attack, you'll be able to pull up in front of the buffs, regain your 2k and reset for another pass.
This is the most effective way to shoot down buffs you're chasing from behind without having to set up front-quarter attacks that often involve massive closure rates and take longer to set up.
I use this style of attack to great effect in all Mk 108 cannon equipped aircraft. I increase the dive angle in slower aircraft in order to keep the speed and window of vulnerability to a minimum.
As pilot kills are the most effective way to use your ammunition, once you get this sort of attack down to a science you will find yourself very difficult to hit and taking out entire flights of buffs for low ammo expenditure.