Author Topic: Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.  (Read 502 times)

Offline Saintaw

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« on: September 11, 2000, 05:48:00 AM »
Hehehe, well, it all started in the Main Arena, where I was flying uselessly (Can you say LAG ?)...burning fuel to get shot...the usual. Vadr pops in & calls for pilots on a special event (Ooops, forgot the name !)... I har me109's Vs SpitV's & Light Bombers. I say, ok, I was going to log off anyway, but let's try that 1st... U never know, less poeple, might be less laggy (I am in Europe though).

Having tried the 109G10 & G6 in the MA with the new FM, I thought I might as well try a plane where I can survive if needed   (NB: Even if I used to be in JG2, I am still a well below average 109 Pilots)(Hell, well below average in ANYTHING !   ).

 Having also participated at a couple of Special events in the past, I had known by experience that a lot of "Very good sticks" tend to participate in these events due to the added challenge (It can be without Icons, or simply the fact that you only have 1 LIFE for these, you die, you don't up again...). Meaning, I was a little anxious to be shot by some Spit "Hotstick" in the 30 seconds after the merge... I am clearly, a "Dweeb" here...

Mission clears up, we (109F4's) are supposed to intercept an incomming raid of Light Buffs (JU88's were simulating some Light Bomber (Name ?)). The Buffs were escorted by some Spitnikfires (hehehe, couldn't resist it   ). we had the choice to take off on 3 fields & I upped at 32 with both Udie & Bersekr. (I felt safe next to Udie,so I hugged him, a bit too much to his taste, since I was very close & friendly collisions were on...hehehe...). Our Mission is to get the Buffs, we all three have 2 Gondolas under the wings... "NO TURN FOR YOU" comes to mind here...

After quite a long flight, we hear the northen group call contact at 32K & we started climbing towards them... eyes open lower, trying to catch a glimpse at a formation of larger dots... Then everithing happens very fast, & the three of us are dancing with 2 lower spits... (Don't ask...). I aaargh, cannot turn....flip, flap...dive, zoom...bullets in the air...Nose down, I see a Spit on my low 2 O clock, but I know that I'm cr*p at snapshots since the Icon dissapears ... I dive in front of him, chop throttle & let it out in front of him, ZZZZZAP... I can see the 20mm's going right through his whole plane...Busc explodes. Udie jst died to the 2nd Spit & all 3 of us are coalt at 4-5K high...

Then starts the Dance with the 2nd Spit, who is chasing Bersekr & where I turn above them...I dive in, roll with full rudder & have a long pray N spray... Again, I'm lucky as I see the 2nd Spit Diving, black smoke pours out of his engine... Unfortunately, I didn't make it before Ammo (2nd Spit) shot my last buddy  

I was purely lucky through that whole fight (Seems they never targetted me, only Udie & Berzekr...whom I failed to protect, AAAARGH!)

The fought had gone underway South west of us where the Bulk of the fighters were shooting at each other & 2 109's are engaging the Junkers... I am alone, 50 miles out in enemy territory, below everyone, with 80 rnds of cannons left... (Sigh)

I gather info on the Radio that some buffs are still in the air, as well as a couple of sissyfires...and only 2 other 109's... I make my best run towards the friendly lines & the buffs. Too late, the last buff Rtb'ed right under my nose...

Arriving at 32, I see 2 low dots & I see on the radar that there is 1friendly & 1 enemy in the sector... I dive in & find (Aaaargh , forgot name ! janjan? Snefens ? of those Nordic 109 hotsticks   ). Anyway, I find a 109 engaged with a Spit low. "What the h**ll" I dive in on the SPit who is "On the Deck" (100ft- agl), pass my nose above him, pull the trigger...escape a near 400kts Lawndart   . 3rd Spit explodes...(Did you see mee Gunthr ?)


Took out a Bottle 'O scotch & poured me a nice big glass   I needed it  

I still don't undertand HOW I suvived in that flight, but it was sure fun ! Point is : WITH LUCK ONLY YOU CAN GET ANYWHERE

Click here for VMF-323 Death Rattlers info
"It's supposed to be hard; that's what makes it great!"
Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own

.squelch creamo

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 09-11-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Udie

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2000, 07:54:00 AM »

 You forgot to mention the 3 kills I got before I died    And you did a beautiful job, I got killed because of the new stick.  We got into the fight with those last 2 spits and they were both on berserkr, at first.  I lined up on one of them PERFECT, d250 dead six.  At that moment every button on my new stick stopped working.  He got away!  Then I panicked and lost my SA totaly, view keys are on the stick.

 Ask Berserkr what he heard on RW, I was pissed    All 3 of us should have RTB'd.  Damn crew chief!


PS, was a fun senario...

Offline Saintaw

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2000, 09:05:00 AM »
Sorry, Udie, It was so intense that I didn't realy see what was happening outside of my Gunsight, LOL !
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline daddog

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2000, 04:57:00 PM »
When the phone rang in the O'Club I was surprised to find Lord Trenchard on the phone.  We spoke briefly and gave me the target of the bomber flight we were slated to escort today.  After a brief chat in our ready room the squadron was ready.  The Blenheims were already airborne and I heard that the infamous "sharky" was the flight lead for the bombers.  Other pilots were dudule, and bug322. I took the lead of the escorts with the help of several experienced pilots such as ammo, widwi, crabofix, Drsoya, gunthr, btown, and TeeRex to name a few.
We climbed to a clear cold sky of 20 thousand.  The Blenheims were below us for most of the way at about 15k.  The skies were empty of the LW formuch of the trip, but when we were with in of our target field they began to appear at first.  Most were well over 20k maybe as high at 30k. They seemed to just shadow us at first and were mostly in pairs.  It was not long before I started to feel like a wagon train with the Indians all around us. Finally several 109's began to dive on the escorts and the fighting began.  I watch pairs at 9 and 3 o'clock remain high while the majority dove from our 6 and engaged our escorts.  In a couple of minutes smoke trails began to appear and I saw btown going down.  2 109's came over my 12 and dove on me.  I did a split S and they broke high.  Then the two 109's that were at my 9 were diving in on Sharky and the other Blenheim's. I gave chase.  1 Bf-109 broke when he saw me nea the other I peppered at long distance and he also broke from his attack.  Suddenly another 109 screamed past me and went in on the bombers.  He damaged one dove.  I gave chase and saw several strikes and
pieces come off. I broke high when he began to pull away.  Climbing back to the formation Sharky was falling behind the main buff formation with smoke trailing.  TeeRex and I tried to cover him, but there were too
many to watch and one snuck in and finished Sharky.  Angry I dove in and the 109 pilot went to the deck.  Much to my surprise he ditched.  I flew over him about 100' and he shoot his fist at me cursing.      I did not fire on the helpless pilot wanting to save my ammo for more threats.  TeeRex and I joined up with gunthr and caught up to the remaining buffs just a bit too late.  I think Drsoya was the only escort that managed to keep with the buffs. Gunthr engaged the enemy over the target but was shot down.
The damage was minor to the field we attacked and we lost all our Blenheims.  Drsoya, TeeRex formed up and returned to base. <S> to "saw" who like Galland shot down three aircraft that day.  Thanks for CM'ing vadr!
<S> Udie, I wrote this and then noted your 3 kill flight!  I am pretty sure that is the best yet. I no one has had a 4 or 5 kill streak in a Snapshot yet.
CM, CO, daddog
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[This message has been edited by daddog (edited 09-11-2000).]
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Offline Sharky

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2000, 10:14:00 PM »
Hi all,

Great scenerio had a great time.  We had some trouble keeping the buffs in good formation, most likely due to bad leadership on my part (I'm a fighter jock, that buff flying is harder than it looks)  Anyway we got formed up over a23 and headed SE towards a32.  About 10 minutes out of a23 little friends show up about 5k over us and we all head to the target.

About 40 miles out from target the LW hits in force dudule and I take heavy damage in the first attack but as our planes are airworthy the decision is made to continue to target.  With one engine out I soon fall behind dudule, bug322 and ESME.  As a straggler I know that it is only a matter of time before some hotshot LW ace finds me and finishes me off.

Daddog and the rest of the little friends continue to fight off most of the very determined attacks but soon a lone 109 get through the escorts and make a straight in attack.  My rear gunners manage to hit him hard and take out his engine but not before he manages to inflect critical damage to our already battered airframe.

All crew members manage to bail out safely but are soon over run my enemy ground forces.  I heard through the grapevine that ESME managed to reach the target and deliver his bombs (WTG ESME)  I heard also that dudule was shot down before reaching target.  I don't know where he is, the jerrys must have him at another camp.

The escorts did a super job against a very determined enemy <S>  I'm very surprised that any of the bombers made it to target.  Again great scenerio, thanks vadr and thanks to all who participated.



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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2000, 01:25:00 PM »
I heard through the grapevine that ESME managed to reach the target and deliver his bombs

Her bombs...  

Kommandeur, III/JG 2 'Richthofen'
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Offline Sharky

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2000, 01:39:00 AM »

Sorry ESME  

This is so cool, great sim great scenerios and chicks too  


Offline Gadfly

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Last Sunday's Special Event from Vadr, 1st blood.
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2000, 10:39:00 AM »
I wouldn't go so far as to call her a "chick", at least not within earshot.....
