Author Topic: RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle  (Read 720 times)

Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« on: March 14, 2000, 06:58:00 PM »
Hey guys,

I finally decided on what I should do for this Sunday's event. This time around it would be better to call it Allies vs. LW...
This is going to be a late war scenario. To be more presice, I'll try to recreate operation Bodenplatte. For those who's not aware of what it means, in short, it was one of the last attemts of LW to regain control of the European skies. On January 1, 1945 approximately 1000 LW pilots took their planes in the air in an attack on Allied air fields. Some few hours later, operation Bodenplatte will become one of the major disasters of LW in WW2. 250 LW pilots would go down (including great number of remaining LW Experten) for a price of of around 500 Allied airplanes (of those only 80 due to air combat victories). It would be a blow from which LW would never recover...
Enough of history and now on what will be included in mission. Aliied / LW ratio 1:1. LW to use FW190A8 (or mix of A8 and A5, if latter will be available) and Bf109G10 (50% 190s, 50% 109s). 75% of all LW planes are to carry bombs. Allies will have P38L, P51D and SpitIX (equal number of each type of the plane) Each Allied plane type will be put on a different field. LW's task is to completely destoy one of the fields (tower, fuel tanks and whatever else is destroyable there (sorry never really cared on what is destroyable on the field). Note: taking out acks is not mendetory. Allies are to protect fields at all cost and destroy as many LW planes as possible.
Depending on the radar status, Allies will or will not have planes in air. If HTC guys will show up and disable radar for Allies and Axies, each of the fields will be able to put in the air a pair of planes which will circle around field's square. These pairs of planes are to seek out incoming LW planes and notify Allied commanders. As soon as contact made, Allied planes are free to take off. LW's alt is limited to 2.5k on ingress, with the exception of a pop up before the Allied airfield to gain alt for bombing. If radars are on, LW is to fly NOE on ingress, with only one exception of a pop up before the attack to gain enough alt for bombing. Allies are free to take off as soon as radar shows LW planes. LW's limit of alt can be disregarded as soon as contact with Allied planes are made (icon identification).
Replanes are available for all who LAND/DITCH their planes on their STARTING airfields. Landing on any of the friendly field will let one to fly search and rescue mission in C47 to pick up pilots who bailed out (Axis can use C47 due to the lack of Axies equvalent).
More details will be arranged with flight commanders. I assume LW main force will be of JG2 pilots, so BaneX has an overall command of LW (If I'm not gonna be able to find him, I'll name LW commander before the mission). I'll lead SpitIX's flight (though I might/will give up this position). P51/P38 flight leaders positions are still open.
Please post your questions, comments or changes here, so we can decide on what needs to be changed/added.



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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2000, 08:17:00 PM »
Hi, just want you to know you can count 308 Sqn. IN on this one.  Our historical counterparts kicked a fair amount of booty during the real Bodeplatte.  

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 03-14-2000).]

Offline BaneX

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2000, 09:18:00 PM »
Waht time are we doing this sunday? Let me know cause quite a few of our pilots have things going on this sunday I believe. Also, if anyone else wants to be LW commander feel free. I don't mind doing it but all the time kinda ruins it for me  


JG2 "Richthofen"

Offline Kieren

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2000, 09:47:00 PM »

Don't want to blow this for you, but you may want to make that 190 bomb run before you try to sign people up. It is damn tough to Jabo here. You may have to allow B26's as Ju88's to hit the ack, else it is gonna be hard.

My opinion, and I sure want to be wrong. Anyone else, please, correct me!

Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2000, 09:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by BaneX:
Waht time are we doing this sunday? Let me know cause quite a few of our pilots have things going on this sunday I believe. Also, if anyone else wants to be LW commander feel free. I don't mind doing it but all the time kinda ruins it for me  

I thought of Sunday at 10pm GMT, but we still have time to make it on Saturday at about the same time... I also thought of running the event twice a day. This way some guys who are not available at one given moment, still have chance to fly the mission.
But then, I'm not sure if I'll have enough available time to run them both...


Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2000, 10:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by Kieren:

Don't want to blow this for you, but you may want to make that 190 bomb run before you try to sign people up. It is damn tough to Jabo here. You may have to allow B26's as Ju88's to hit the ack, else it is gonna be hard.

My opinion, and I sure want to be wrong. Anyone else, please, correct me!


Acks are limited as they will keep on tracking one plane at a time. If you attack one acks with 3 fighters at one time, you are sure to kill it. Now imagine a cordinated attack by a dozen or so planes. I think it should work. Plus LW can pop in to around 10k in last moment and simply dive bomb at 90 degree angle until 5-6k and then pull out. I'm sure, if perfomed right, field will be leveled with minimal losses.
Problem with first LW bombers making an attack on fields is thatit wasn't like it happened in the real thing. Plus, once Allies notice enemy flying, they will stay up looking for more planes and will be able to intercept LW force on route to the base.
Also, can I destroy my own ack? Or is it only an enemy plane that can destroy it.



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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2000, 06:20:00 PM »

308 Sqn. would like to fly Spitfire Mk. IX.

If needed we can fly P-51D as our parent Northolt Wing was also equipped with Mustangs.

Mike "FunkedUp" Waltz
Aces High Instructor Corps

Squadron Leader, 308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF

Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2000, 09:06:00 PM »
Originally posted by funked:

308 Sqn. would like to fly Spitfire Mk. IX.

If needed we can fly P-51D as our parent Northolt Wing was also equipped with Mustangs.

rgr that funked. How many people will participate?


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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2000, 01:32:00 AM »
Maximum would be 6 pilots.  I'm trying to get confirmation.

Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2000, 08:32:00 AM »
Great, looking forward to seeing you guys in the event. Any other squadrons want to participate? As noted before, besides Spits we will have P51 and P38.


Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2000, 08:23:00 PM »

Due to some previously unexpected stuff on Sunday, I'll have to resheduale event for Saturday same time.



Offline Tern

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2000, 12:51:00 PM »
Originally posted by mx22:

Due to some previously unexpected stuff on Sunday, I'll have to resheduale event for Saturday same time.


1700 EST?  I'm in as a pony driver.  mebbe even that flying foxhole they call the P-38.
Lemme know the particulars at

C ya

"Live to Fly!  Fly to Fight!  Fight to Live!"

Offline Gator

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2000, 09:45:00 AM »
 Are we talking 1700 EST today?  I would like to fly a P-38, give the JG2 boys another target ...


Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2000, 11:01:00 AM »
Originally posted by Gator:
Are we talking 1700 EST today?

Yes, it's today at 17:00EST. Also look below for more information on the event - I did test flights and come up with some required changes.


Offline mx22

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RAF vs LW Part2 - Order of Battle
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2000, 11:35:00 AM »
OK, this is to all those who want to participate.

First things first - available planes are P51D, P38L, SpitIX, BF109G10 and FW190A8. If you want to fly any particular airplane make sure you come in the SE arena a bit earlier. All those who come after 1700 EST might not get a chance to fly what they want since we need equal number of German and Allied pilots.
Now on to the changes to the plan. I did flight trials and one thing that I came across is that FW190 has very short opperating distance. Due to this, Allies will now have to occupy fields that are next to mountains.  Allied fields are 22, 21 and 18. LW can start from any Knight field and to attack either 22 or 21 (since LW will need to return back alive, 18 is out of reach for their fighter-bombers). LW is to mantain 12k on ingress - this alt is enough to pass above mountains and dive bomb acks/field structures (once again field destruction is Axies primary target, acks are optional). Allies are free to take off as soon as they see incoming LW planes (or incoming dots since we know no Allied flights are schedualed to fly) and persue them as far as they want.

Ok, thats all I have in mind now. I guess any other changes to the above plan will announced in the arena.
