Someone besides JG11 I think should be next, not to take anything away from Talen, he's a fine lad, but JG11 has two players in the series already.
JG11 is a great squad, Stampf and 33Vortex are great guys, , purely coinsidence that their films have been done in this order,AATalon is another great guy but as far as I know he is not around, the fact is there is one of me and thousands of you, gathering everything needed to make an AoAH film can be a long process. Thats why I have asked for film makers to join me in createing a film team to produce these. They are very time and resource consuming and without a regular group to produce them, I'm afraid the series will soon come to an end, It's just too much for one person.
I have several more subjects for the next few films, and I have had a few volunteers to help out, the film team is not yet togeather, but I'm working on it.
If you like to make films, and have a fair amt of knowledge in the area, PM me for concideration to join the "AOAH film Team".