Author Topic: GMT TOD: Mission 3 Allied ALPHA flight AAR (11 pics)  (Read 459 times)

Offline Duckwing6

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GMT TOD: Mission 3 Allied ALPHA flight AAR (11 pics)
« on: March 17, 2000, 12:00:00 PM »
Here is the After Action Report for the Allied ALPHA FLight:

  • SCDuckw6 - Lead
  • RWY
  • Timbers
  • Skyraider

Loadout and Mission-outline
Alpha FLight was to take P51's with 75% internal fuel and 2 drop tanks. We weould up from F1 then head east climbing into 13,7,4 from there we would proceed north until abeam F18 and from there to a position just south of F19 where we were supposed to rendevouce with BRAVO flight and then RTB.
Our ROE were NOT to engage the enemy EAST of F18 but rather try to drag/lure them away from the Goonies towards the BRAVO Flight which should assist us when we engage the enemy.

And here what really happened:

ALPHA took off and formed up heading east out of F2 in good order, as Bravo flight had taken off at the same time than our flight we had to cut the corner and proceed north at the vertical 12/13 line.
Over F8 we made contact with the alting Goons under SAW's comand and Bee's CHARLY Flight to the east
Whilest the Goons and Their Escorts alted eastbound into row 13 we continued north at 26k.
Over F21 we spotted their first spotters at 1 o'clock high and made contact with a flight of 5 109s co-alt a few seconds later.
We turned to west as soon as we had made ID to drag them away from the goons .. but it seems that they smelled the bait after a minute or so and they turned towards south east again .. The reccon 109's were still shadowing us 6-8k above us.
I guess i've made the mistake and had them let gain an ID on us. I should have turned to North-west as soon as we had made con-range.. maybe they would have been lured into the laid out trap then.
As soon as we figured that they were no loger following us i decided it's time to be more agressive and i ordered the flight to engage. WEP on we headed for the 109s which themselfes had made contact with CHARLY Flight who was a bit lower.
During our pursuite we were distracted by the reccon plane which decided to join the fun from our high 6. The Flight engage the 109's shortly afterward and i decided it's better to stay up with the reccon plane.. another 2 incoming 109's forced me into the defensive and i had to dive away for the cloud cover (not shown on pics :/) .. the 109's where pretty determined and i was able to make 1 overshoot and then pay for daring to engage me. By this time i had completely lost visual with the rest of the allied forces, but it seemed that we were alone (under clouds) and i went for the kill.
(Note: the clouds are not shown in the film and therfore not on the pics . but we just had blasted through a bank when imade that shot..)

I followed the hard evading 109 and got a few more hits on him when i heared the RTB command from Bee. As i was out of Ammo (79 rounds left) i pulled away from the bogie and started to RTB.

A few minutes later i mad contact with skyraider and timbers and we started to form up again for the RTB. To our all joy RWY showed up aswell shortly later and we RTB'ed without losses to F4.

During RTB i got the killmessage for DRAG so i suspect he crashed on landing.

ALPHA Flight totalled 3 destroyed airplanes:

1 by Skyraider
1 by Timbers (+1 assist)
and 1 by ME
RWY got an Assist on another 109 but i have no confirmation on this one yet.

I want to say THANKS to my wingmen who flew very professionaly and disciplined. It was a PLEASURE to fly with you guys <S!>

Also Thanks to SAW and BEE for organizing this great event !

Phillip "Duckwing6" Artweger
Flight Officer "E" Flight
Skeleton Crew

[This message has been edited by Duckwing6 (edited 03-17-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Duckwing6 (edited 03-17-2000).]

Offline Saintaw

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GMT TOD: Mission 3 Allied ALPHA flight AAR (11 pics)
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2000, 11:59:00 AM »
I just updated the Site, and the Axis numbers are up ! (SR got a Medal !!!) Still waiting for the Allied CO to send me his AAR  

Don't shoot ! I am only an observer......

JG2 "Richthofen"
"Firepower Mate, that is what separates the men from the boys..."
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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GMT TOD: Mission 3 Allied ALPHA flight AAR (11 pics)
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2000, 01:36:00 PM »
Saintaw. There are some duplicants at the axis side it appears. Ceray and Straus as far as I can see.

Ltn. Snefens
RO, Lentolaivue 34
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

"Luck beats skill anytime"

Offline maik

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GMT TOD: Mission 3 Allied ALPHA flight AAR (11 pics)
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2000, 05:59:00 AM »
Salute DW6,

Nice flown, u guys got us trapped  .

You really made us pay for killing your goons.

<JG2 Richthofen>