Aside from arguements for or against, I would like to see the current model evolved a step ot two.
Remove the counters for plane in the sector. These are unneccesary and will stay up even after the radar is inoperable which is wrong.
Make ALL dots red. That way we don't know if it's an enemy or not unless they answer a radio call. And limit the ones we see to those in out radar range of the fields. This kills those whining about being able to see enemies far away. No longer would they know it's an enemy con anymore, just that it's a plane...
Make the Radar and HQ building work properly so we can knock the whole works out in a good bomb run.
Finally, raise the detection bar to 55ft agl. It's only fair, besides anyone crawling at 500 is open meat to the guy that spots him...
If your in range, so is the enemy.