Author Topic: WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!  (Read 4094 times)


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WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!
« Reply #60 on: January 24, 2001, 02:16:00 PM »
Ok Im going to try this one time for real. How many of you guys who know the nonsense that Voss Hinds tried to pull would drop it forever if he just came clean and took a couple of sentences to admit and apologize. I received a nasty email from someone about my posting, and while I didnt agree with everything they said they told me I probably 'accelerated' a little too quickly. I didnt, but I can see where only maybe 20 people here know the whole story and actually give damn, and sometimes thats the way it is. So maybe if the 20 who cant forget agree to forget once he admits? I can do that. Once hes admitted, he cant really try any nonsense unless theres a new name used and so on. So VOSS HINDS - come clean dude, and Ill drop the subject for good.

Offline Dos Equis

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WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!
« Reply #61 on: January 24, 2001, 03:08:00 PM »
13th TAS as a online squadron existed far earlier than any supposed "game" that came later. There were good people in it when it started and there are some good folks in it now. Try not to forget that please.


I apologize if the 13th TAS has been around before Tactical Aero Squadron, the fake game, and if the squadron was founded by others.

I'm sure you guys are good guys, and are a honorable squadron. Our beef is with Voss, a guy so creepy and devoid of honor that he would fake cancer to cover for his trail of pathological lies.

It's an insult to claim you are a game producer and coder to my fellow Pig, Smut. After all, Smut has been a game producer for stae of the art flight sims. But somehow, I'm sure he can handle the wannabes, and none of this would have raised the Pigs' ire if that was the extent of it.

It's the whole Gulf War BS, the "I'm a Viper Driver" BS, I was on secret missions. I was a ninja. I partied with Elvis. Whatever.

Some of us have friends and family who were in Desert Storm. These lies are taken personally by people who actually served. It's disgusting to contemplate that somebody is so deranged that they honestly think they can make this stuff up, that they live such terrible shallow lives that they have to resort to making fake games, and doing fake interviews, and seeing how far they can take fake fame by hoodwinking places like

Voss probably needs help. Prozac or chocolate cake, or something to get his Seratonin levels up.

Do the 13th TAS a favor. Kick him out. The unfortunate coincidence is that his fake game is the same name as the squadron. Lose him and lose the association.

Again, apologies to any members of 13th TAS I may have offended accidently.


Offline Kieren

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WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!
« Reply #62 on: January 24, 2001, 03:17:00 PM »
I say drop it anyway. This one has been done to death before. Face it, you feel the way you do regardless of what anyone can say. I do know the whole story and I can get on with life and AH with Voss in it, makes no difference to me. The truth is he (or any of us) will be judged by the community on the basis of how we act here, not by the baggage we bring in.

I am not saying you should forget the past entirely, or that you are even wrong in what you say. What I am saying is that those that are going to listen have already heard enough.

Offline AKDejaVu

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WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!
« Reply #63 on: January 24, 2001, 03:21:00 PM »
Well said kieren.

Offline jedi

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WIDEWING, a warning...don't mess with VOSS!
« Reply #64 on: January 24, 2001, 03:52:00 PM »
How confusing.  What to believe?  Let's see.  I'll do what I usually do in these cases...

Vila:  well-known, "honorable" guy, rarely if EVER goes on the attack on the boards.

Smut:  well-known, "honorable" guy, generally well-respected member of "legendary" online squad.

Doom:  (taxing the old memory a bit) famous Air Warrior (DOS) player.  Not one of the boot-lickers, sort of like Lazs, actually    Generally considered an "ace."

Voss:  famous Air Warrior (DOS) player.  Also an "ace."  With HUGE cloud over his head now.

Slammer120: Hehe don't know him (suspect he's REALLY someone "familiar" but has a new name for AH)    Certainly sounds like a "Grad" to me, and I've talked to a few in my day, and this issue is certainly something that would provoke one.

Hmmm.  Still not sure who to believe, but the guys on one side have earned a lot of respect, and the guys on the other side are a question mark.  One thing is for sure:  Someone who comes into one of these communities, cultivates a "circle of friends," earns "respect," "leads" a squadron, and then turns out to have based the whole thing on a framework of lies primarily for the purpose of jerking the chains of a "bunch of dweebs" or to make himself appear to be some kind of "big computer man" is pretty much the lowest, most pathetic form of life I can imagine.

I reckon if that applies here, we'll probably know in due course...