sad to see people killing over at such an early age. Too much crap in our diets.
I didn't agree with him on many issues. He has a very slanted socialist view of what should be.
When you are a teenager and in college - many are liberal.
When you are in your 30's and 40's - reality sets in and you realize that people make the world move - the government only hinders.
When you get older from what I can tell, you realize that there is a need for social responsibility to those that can't.
It's a fine line to dance, and no one is going to be 100% pleased at all times.
You can hate people that disagree with you, or choose an easier path in life which is probably more righteous - which is to disagree rather than hate with the idea that we are all in this together.
Sorry for the long ramble here but sad to see a guy go that at least participated in the adventure that is life rather than just sit on the sidelines and squeak,moan,complain.