If you have any doubts or are unsure of your calculations, its wise check your work with a rough estimation.
“travelling at 135mph for 16 minutes- how far have i travelled”
Round 16 minutes to ¼ hour.
Round 135 miles to 140 so that you can easily divide by 4.
Your answer should be in the ballpark of 35 miles.
If the answers they provide are:
A. 24 miles
B. 36 miles
C. 72 miles
D. 119 miles
You really don’t need to waste your time finding the exact number, just circle B. 36
If the answers they provide are:
A. 32 miles
B. 35 miles
C. 36 miles
D. 38 miles
You’d better find the exact answer.
The actual math on paper simplified:
16 minutes out of 60, is 16/60.
Reduce it to 4/15
Will 15 easily divide into 135?
Yes, 9 times (it may not jump out at you, but 10x15=150, and 135 is 15 less than 150, so 9x15=135)
All that’s left is 9x4, which is 36.
Is 36 reasonably close to the estimation of 35? Yes.
Circle 36.
The key to doing this kind of math quickly on paper is reducing and simplifying.