Now that we have one round under our belt, we'll be making the following changes for each side.
1. City downtime was only 60 minutes. It will now be the same as all strategic objects (my fault - sorry guys).
2. Radar - for full sized maps, radar will be 100 miles sector, and 25 miles tower. For scaled/smaller maps, we'll adjust accordingly (have a table). RHINESUM I think will be 12.5 tower, and 50 sector. This will have to be purchased by the commander to enable.
3. Change country time - we'll be setting this to 24 hours. If you wish to switch side and a Admin is on (Duke/Fork/Oldman/Soda/Slash), we can do it for you then. In the future, we may be setting this for the entire duration of the war. People were known to be spying and reporting cons to their opposing squad mates.
4. Downtimes may be changed.
- Factory/Cites: one week
- Airfields: one day
- Resupply time: 12 hours
5. Strategic resupply will be turned on. Supply trains and cities are now important to hit.
BOA Course 101 - How Strategic Targets Impact Gameplay
(from the HTC help on Strategic Objects)
Damaged field and city objects can be rebuilt with the successful delivery of supplies. Conceptually, the objects are being resupplied but visually they are being rebuilt. This is done by reducing the downtime depending on how much of the supplies reach the destination, and the amount of time each resupply fixes the destroyed objects.
Trains, convoys, and barges
Trains, convoys, and barges are built into the terrain. Each train, convoy, or barge has a source point and a destination point, and each can be damaged or destroyed while traveling from point to point. When a train, convoy, or barge is destroyed, they will automatically respawn every ten minutes.
Each time a train, convoy or barge spawns, it first checks to see if there has been damage to the supplier (cities supply factories and factories supply fields). The amount of supplies carried to the destination depends on the amount of damage to the supplier. If the supplier has been damaged by 50%, only one out of every six train cars or convoy trucks will carry supplies.
The destination point is where the train, convoy, or barge attempts to resupply. The destination can be either a single field, or a number of objects within a defined radius. If a destination field is captured while a train, convoy, or barge is enroute, the train, convoy, or barge continues to the destination, and resupplies from the factories of the capturing country. Once a train, convoy, or barge has successfully reached it's destination, a new supply convoy spawns.
Supply drops
The C-47, LVT-2, and M-3 have the capability to drop supplies on a field to repair the field or shorten the downtime. These object supplies will repair all resupplyable objects in a one mile radius from the point where the supplies land. The supplies are selected as a loadout option in the hangar, and .25 perk points are awarded to the player who dropped the supplies for every object that's affected by the resupply.
Strategic system
The basic categories of strategy targets in Aces High include field targets, zone targets, city targets, and supply targets. The field targets affect availability of field items such as planes, fuel, ammo, etc. Every tower has a chalkboard displaying the field number and the current status of the field targets.
The zone targets are the factories that affect the resupply of field targets. The city targets are the buildings within a city and they affect the resupply of the zone targets. The supply targets are the trains, convoys, and barges that resupply damaged fields and factories.