Author Topic: Flying the P-47  (Read 2398 times)

Offline stephen waldron

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Flying the P-47
« on: June 26, 2008, 07:11:43 AM »
  Better idea.  If you're in any model except a P-47D-11, you're not in a fighter plane,(they got that much right).  Stick to your tactical bombing mission.  Your mission is not to drop your ordinance in the ocean and tangle with fighters.  The first priority, is to fly away, and head to an alternate target and drop your bombs on something that counts.
  I know everybody is going to say the enemy fighter will just chase you down and kill you.  He certainly WILL if you waste precious seconds thinking about attacking him before you make this decision.  Bug out with your ordinance while he's still a tiny black at extreme range.  He probably won't even see you, especially if there are other planes closer to him.  
  Stay on mission.  Even if you hear someone else SCREAMING for help.  Don't trade places with a pilot who got himself into trouble.  Nobody is going to clear your six if you do.  That's just the way it is in the MA.  
  Don't trust friendly fighters either to tell you they are LEAVING.  One minute they're there, and the next minute they're GONE.  I generally check the clipboard after every attack run to see who's running away.  You'll be over a flashing target for quite awhile.  It takes some time to empty the ord on a P-47.
  Dive bombing ?  You don't want to experiment with that against targets that shoot back.  Not in the beginning.  Level bombing at 2 thousand works just fine against undamaged and lightly damaged factories.  Just wait till the nose of the icon of your plane breaks the icon of the complex on your clipboard map.. and bombs away.  Don't worry. Nine times outta ten you're gonna hit something.  There are plenty of targets down there.
  Strafe the AA guns after you get your bombs and rockets off.  The rockets are way too inaccurate for new pilots to waste trying to hit AA positions with.  Your guns are way MORE accurate than the rockets.  This is imperitive to remember against nme airfield and town AA, as it will be shooting back at you while you are attacking.  But don't fly against these targets in the beginning until you get the bugs worked out.
  Forget about armored targets too.  Especially if the tank is stopped.  In all likelihood, the guy is sitting in the AA machinegun position with the crosshairs on you just waiting for you to make that mistake.  If he's running away at full speed, unless he's crazy, he's probably driving the tank and focused on where he is going.  This is a good candidate for rockets.
  For now just concentrate on easy targets and bringing your plane home without damage so you can put together some experience and multiple missions in a single sortie.  That's where the score is.
  If you can't resist dive bombing CV's.  At least pick the ones that are already damaged.  Odds are some of the flak will be knocked out.  Maybe flight ops as well.  That equals a "Soft" target.  Which is your preferred target as a beginner.
  Occasionally the enemy will come after you in a 262.  The counter tactic to this is simple.  When you see the nme DAR bar light up in your sector, it's time to go. Level out and hit your WEP alternating every 20 seconds so it don't run out.. and head for home.  You'll be sitting in the tower drinking coffee when the 262 flies over.  How do you know the DAR bar is a 262 ?  You don't, but you assume it is.


Offline BnZ

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 07:32:30 AM »
This has got to be the biggest steaming pile of dingo's kidneys you've posted yet.

BTW, hows the juggin' working out for you Waldron?

Not so well!

(I'm assuming that Wal-Dren and Wal-Dron have gotta be one and the same, folks...btw, anyone else noticed that wal-dren is "nerd-law" spelled backwards?)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 07:42:50 AM by BnZ »

Offline Rebel

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2008, 08:01:00 AM »

Wow dude.  Just, wow. 

Anyone who read this, please disregard.  Contact your local Jugaholic for proper Jug help should you need it.  Nomde, Westy, Widewing are all great resources. 
"You rebel scum"

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2008, 08:22:07 AM »
71 (Eagle) Squadron

What most of us want to do is simply shoot stuff and look good doing it - Chilli

Offline WMLute

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2008, 08:35:11 AM »
For the new players who might read this...

Almost EVERYTHING that the thread creator typed is 100% wrong.  (possibly everything)

It is probably the worst advice (top 10 at least) I have ever seen posted on the AH BBS in the 7 years I have been reading it.

Steven, it seems you are having a horrible AcesHigh experience.  It might be time to consider either "packing it up" and moving on to another game, OR get it through your skull that this game takes YEARS to figure out and get "good" at.  You have flown at best for a couple of months.  (just a guess from reading your posts, but I bet it's accurate)

There are many ways to get better at this game.  One would be reading.  You have been provided (in other threads) with some great links that if you take the time to read (and absorb) it will make your game playing experience much more fullfilling.  Start logging the hours in the TA practicing with one of our fabulous trainers, and read everything that has been suggested you peruse at least twice.

A good start would be to go to and read EVERYTHING there at least three times.  Print it all out, and read it over and over every chance you get.

Hopefull it will eventually sink in and everything will start "clicking".

This isn't some lame FPS that you can get "good" at in a month.  Think of getting "good" at AcesHigh like learning a musical instrument.  You are not going to be able to play Chopins: Op. 66 in C sharp minor 2-3 months after you start trying to learn the piano.

Quit posting drivle when you should be @ netaces reading.

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
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Offline WMLute

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2008, 08:39:40 AM »
(I just have to add this... found @ and with much thanks to Vudak. Steven, this is for you)

So You're Looking to Improve
by Vudak

So You're Looking to Improve...

Every so often a new guy will ask for tips on how to get better at Aces High. My best advice is to treat it like a sport.

There are a few key ways to quickly get better at a sport. I will use hockey as an example because it is my sport and because it is a fairly multinational one at that.

1. You study the terminology of the sport;
2. You watch professional hockey games;
3. You try to emulate what the professionals do;
4. If available, you get a professional to help you one on one;
5. You pay attention to your bad habits the professional points out, and you work to correct them;
6. You practice shooting and skating on your own with a net and some cones;
7. You play against people your own skill level;
8. You play with bigger, better kids as often as you can; and
9. You approach it all with a good attitude.

This is all completely possible to do in Aces High.

1. If you’re going to get good at Aces High, you need to do studying first. You need to know what other people are talking about when they say, “Lead turn,” for example. You need to have a basic understanding of the planes and what they are well suited for. You need to know how to work your controls, etc.

The way to do this is to do what nearly every single good player before you has done. READ. There are thousands of pages available in books and scattered across the internet to help you get better at this game. You should be reading as much of it as you can if you want to improve.

2. Instead of watching a professional game, watch the films of veterans. Go to a King of the Hill and watch it in God Mode after you’ve been dispatched. See how the better sticks do their thing. You’ll notice they do certain things in a similar way. If you want to improve, it stands to reason that you should learn how to do these things too.

3. Three is self explanatory. You try to do the things you’ve see done in the films of better players.

4. If available, you get a professional to help you. Luckily enough, that is what the trainers are here for. They are all highly skilled players with, in many cases, decades of experience with flight sims, and they know how to teach as well. You cannot go wrong by asking them for help.

5. No matter how skilled you are your trainer will find things in your game that you can do better. Listen to your trainer. If you’re not going to listen to them, you’re wasting both of your time.

6. Instead of practicing picking corners shooting at an empty net, practice shooting the drones offline. Try different angles and distances. Turn your tracers off, fire short bursts, and try to develop a “sight picture” of what works and what does not. Poor aim will get you killed in Aces High almost as much as poor decisions. Good aim will let you survive the latter, every now and then.

7. Find a buddy of the same skill level as you and practice with him. Go to the Training Arena, take your favorite planes, and just have at it for a few ammo and fuel loads. Once someone is unshakably on the other’s six, break off and remerge. Keep going at it, take the fight as slow as you can, and really learn the planes low speed envelope. This is the best way in the world to learn how to control a nearly stalling plane, and that is a skill you are going to need to know unless you plan on running away from everyone your entire time in Aces High.

8. Play with the big boys. This is key. The absolute best way to improve in any sport is to play against people who are better than you. It forces you to up your game to have any chance, and by doing so, you improve, even if (more like when), you get rocked. You need to find people better than you, and get them into the DA. If you’re a defenseman in hockey, you need to get burned in many 1 on 1’s before you’ll realize what they’re doing to you, and how to counter it. The same logic applies to Aces High, only better. Whereas in a sport you might be hard pressed to find your opponents willing to give advice, in Aces High, most of the good players are so starved for good fights that they’ll offer it in heaps and barrels. Take advantage of this.

9. The most important thing to remember when you’re trying to improve at a sport or Aces High is to have fun and to consider your losses as lessons and not defeats. You can’t be afraid of losing. Your goal should be to hold your own more and more with each passing week until you finally get to the skill level you desire. No one ever held their own by running away.

Also, you need to have a good attitude and be a gracious winner and loser. Since you aren’t good, there’s no reason for you to trash talk at this point anyway, and doing so is just going to give you a reputation of being someone people should squelch rather than help (It’s also going to make you look and feel pretty stupid when someone you mouthed off to destroys you in three turns). Playful chiding with your friends is one thing, being a jerk is another. This world has enough jerks, and I know I for one don’t have much interest in helping them out.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

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Offline Rebel

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2008, 09:01:34 AM »
 :salute Lute- fine article.  Thanks for posting it. 

"You rebel scum"

Offline LilMak

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2008, 09:03:43 AM »
To all new player who might read this...

This dude (stephen waldron) has NO IDEA what he's talking about.

Please ignore this thread and tune into a more helpful thread to learn the P-47.
"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
~Hub Zemke
P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

Offline Allen Rune

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2008, 09:20:55 AM »
  Stay on mission.  Even if you hear someone else SCREAMING for help.  Don't trade places with a pilot who got himself into trouble.  Nobody is going to clear your six if you do.  That's just the way it is in the MA.

Mostly because of people like you.

(I just have to add this... found @ and with much thanks to Vudak. Steven, this is for you)

So You're Looking to Improve
by Vudak

Waldron, READ that article, it is exactly what you need to do if you actually want to get any good at this game.
The Screwed One

"And so it begins, may it never end."

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2008, 09:30:26 AM »
I think this guy is the best troll I've seen in a while.  He's got you all hook, line, and sinker.
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Offline hammer

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2008, 09:44:34 AM »
I think this guy is the best troll I've seen in a while.  He's got you all hook, line, and sinker.
The problem with trolls is the new guys who read the boards (particularly the help and training section) won't know the difference.



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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2008, 09:47:11 AM »
The problem with trolls is the new guys who read the boards (particularly the help and training section) won't know the difference.



EXACTLY.  Which is why I posted my suggestion, and Lute posted his article. 
"You rebel scum"

Offline Max

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2008, 10:04:44 AM »
 stephen waldron
      any chance you could offer up some tips on Typhoon tactics?

Offline goober69

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2008, 10:12:26 AM »
can someone please!!!! please cancel this dummies account?
flying as Marvin57
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  we band of brothers;"
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Offline Obie303

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Re: Flying the P-47
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2008, 10:26:58 AM »
Do I hear a vote for "violation of probation"? :D

All I have to say is WOW!  Any new players reading the first post, disregard this guy's input.
I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.
(quote on a Polish pilot's grave marker in Nottinghamshire, England)

71 (Eagle) Squadron