Author Topic: Tell me about 190s  (Read 3360 times)

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #45 on: July 11, 2008, 02:15:37 PM »
You are missing my point Lusche.

Thats ok, I understand yours.

As far as speeds of two.  I should have just said on the deck then.  Where, the fight always ultimately ends up, (for some).
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #46 on: July 11, 2008, 02:41:07 PM »
Huh...seems to me that if you are planning to survive, you should get a little alt with the A-5, and egress before you get low enough for the A-8's deck speed advantage to be meaningful.

And it seems you are not planning to at some point egress and survive, just furball it all the way to 0 alt, then a few mph worth of speed is a moot point. You weren't planning on landing anyway.

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #47 on: July 11, 2008, 04:11:36 PM »
funny they are all allied planes you mention.

ever thought that because the USA and its allies won the war, they are the guys that write the History? Would it be too much to say that allied aircraft only "won" because they was part of the Bish (err i mean allied) horde???

By far the best post in this thread. A lot of BS going on otherwise... which really isn't necessary.

BaldEagl got it right in his first post comparing the 190 types. The Ta152 however is part of the 190 series although a entirely separate a/c in it's own right. It's the best 190 type imo but is not for the 190 "n00b".

- If you want to learn the 190 family, I recommend you start with the A-5. A very nimble a/c (for a 190 at least) which you can actually turn fight with to some degree. The outboard MG/FF cannons won't help you much, leave them in the hangar for better performance.
- When you're familiar with the A-5, step up to the A-8. It's the same deal with the A-8, leave the outboard cannons in the hangar unless you are 100% sure that it's bombers you will fight.
- Third step is the D-9, it's faster, climbs better and above all accelerate quicker in a dive and zoom climb better. A great E fighter (E tactics require more skill than TnB imo, although many would probably disagree :D). So it's not a beginner's ride, you will need experience to see the good sides of this bird.
- Once you've learned how to fight and survive in the D-9, the next step is the Ta152. Best to stay above 20k in it, it will really come to life above 30k. It can still hold it's own against most a/c at low alt too if flown properly.

A few things apply to all of these a/c.

- Stay fast... while in a fight, never go below 300 mph unless you're doing a reversal or pulling for a shot. The exception being, when defensive on the deck and out of options => desperate evasion tactics. These birds like it best in the 350-500 range.
- Use the vertical! Can't be stressed too much, flat turns will kill you.
- Don't pull too many Gs. Be gentle on the stick, it's a sensitive a/c and too much input will bleed off your E.
- All these a/c have excellent all around visibility, make use of it! Keep your SA up and that will probably save your butt (like, every time).
- Better to use as few calibers as possible => 4 x 20 mm is better than 2 x 20 + 2 x 30, simply because of very different ballistics. Otherwise when scoring hits you won't know which caliber gun that hit and it will end up confusing you.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 04:15:22 PM by 33Vortex »

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #48 on: July 11, 2008, 04:13:20 PM »
a8 is far better plane. You can still be fighting in an A8, when in a A5 you would be RTB without ammo....

A8 BNZ untill half ammo/fuel load then TnB and scare people.... Never leave guns at home. oh and Quad 20s always. 30s  are heavier and run out faster..

if taking the A5, dont bother with the outboard cannons as these suck.

Also, Ta152, not sure if its making a difference or im just being silly, but lately i run with 25-50% fuel and DT. this means less fuel is AFT of the COG, making it slightly more stable. Might be BS but seems to work for me lol.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 04:17:47 PM by Overlag »
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2008, 04:45:16 PM »

Also, Ta152, not sure if its making a difference or im just being silly, but lately i run with 25-50% fuel and DT. this means less fuel is AFT of the COG, making it slightly more stable. Might be BS but seems to work for me lol.

I don't think that's BS. The 152 is suffering from stability problems, and having max 50% fuel does indeed help you for the reasons you stated.
And 50% & DT is more than enough for MA play, even without DT 50% gives you ~28 mins flight time at sea leavel, which can be greatly increased by flying at cruise settings (50% fuel loitering time >60 mins!). For those not familiar with the Ta 152 let me also point out that taking a DT doesn't give you any top speed loss after drop.
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #50 on: July 11, 2008, 04:51:53 PM »
Absolutely true about the 152 rear tank, it flies and handles significantly better with a empty rear tank. DT is a great option for the Ta152, considering it doesn't require a rack to be fitted with it.

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #51 on: July 11, 2008, 04:53:04 PM »
I don't think that's BS. The 152 is suffering from stability problems, and having max 50% fuel does indeed help you for the reasons you stated.
And 50% & DT is more than enough for MA play, even without DT 50% gives you ~28 mins flight time at sea leavel, which can be greatly increased by flying at cruise settings (50% fuel loitering time >60 mins!). For those not familiar with the Ta 152 let me also point out that taking a DT doesn't give you any top speed loss after drop.

yeah some people take way too much fuel. Why take 100% in a 190a8 or Ta152 when you are simply NEVER gona need it....kinda like base capture missionz with Lancs setup with 100% fuel hehehe :D
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #52 on: July 11, 2008, 08:37:52 PM »
In A5 and A8, I don't see the reason to get the extra gun package. I think 2 20mm and 2x 13mm is enough. The way the air craft design you sacrafy too much performance for the extra lil punch. I average about 20-30 rounds per kill in 190 (cannon that is, I do fire 13mms together so roughly about 40-60 rounds of both.)

I don't see the need for the extra package unless you're on attack run that needs to pound the town. Fuel in the 190 is usually the issue for me rather then the ammo. I usually get to bingo fuel and still have 250 rounds of cannon and rougly 8-10 kills.

In the D9 I always carry extra fuel tank, I lose 8 mph but I need the fuel to maintain over enemy air space longer. W/o teh DT it's about 20 min at full power, w/ the DT it's 40 min total. I learn how to fight w/ DT on, adapted to it. Usually it's 5-7 min after take off to arrive to target area, 5-7 min to rtb. so that's about 14 min, if you don't have DT that leaves you 6 mins of combat time. W/ DT you have 26 + min of combat time over enemy air space. 190D only have 2 internal tanks, so if one gets hit you lose 10 min, which is another reason why I always take DT. Usually I don't have to worry about my fuel tanks getting hit, beacause it's always the radiator. No matter what the angle the rounds come from! =p.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 08:43:55 PM by Yenny »
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #53 on: July 12, 2008, 03:12:56 AM »
I always take the 30mm's in the A8.  Theres nothing like two taters to rip an opponent to shreds.  The ballistic differences between the 20's and 30's aren't that bad once you get used to them and once the spuds are gone you've still got 20's and 13mm's.

Forget the outboard cannons in the A5 though, they are pretty much useless.

Also, I always carry a drop tank on the A5 and D9 but it's not needed with the others.
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #54 on: July 12, 2008, 06:05:22 AM »
If you open fire at D200 the ballistic differences won't be felt as much but if you have a habit of opening fire at D600 the difference will be felt.

So whether the ballistic differences between 20 and 30 mm rounds is a factor or not, is very much up to how you fly and in what situations you open fire.

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #55 on: July 12, 2008, 06:57:55 AM »
I have my CV set at 400 for long range, but 90% of all my shots are from 200. At that range I just fire all gun and it only take 1/2 sec burst 15-20 rounds for a kill. If it's not a kill then whoever finish it will usually give me the kill.
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #56 on: July 14, 2008, 10:53:54 AM »
majority, and I mean about 99.8%, of folks that you see in 190's ingame, suck and are only flying it to run, or in the a-8's case, for the firepower.  Then you have a portion of that percentage who only fly it for bnz/cherry purposes because, again, it runs well, for when they miss and dont want to fight.

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2008, 11:01:27 AM »
majority, and I mean about 99.8%, of folks that you see in 190's ingame, suck and are only flying it to run, or in the a-8's case, for the firepower.  Then you have a portion of that percentage who only fly it for bnz/cherry purposes because, again, it runs well, for when they miss and dont want to fight.

how can you run in a 190 (except dora and Ta152) when almost every american and russian plane is faster than you?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2008, 11:30:38 AM »
There are indeed faster planes at every altitude, faster even than the Dora. La7 and Typhoon low, 109K4 above 5K. P-51D and P-47N anytime you get much above 10K. And all of these aircraft turn better.

Maybe people are not flying X plane entirely for percieved advantage, whatever that may be, but because they LIKE them and want to go all Walter Mitty for abit? And perhaps it is a good thing that not everyone's preferences run to the RAF/USN/IJA/IJN planes that just-so-happen to turn on a dime. Adds to the variety, it does.

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Re: Tell me about 190s
« Reply #59 on: July 14, 2008, 03:05:56 PM »
There are indeed faster planes at every altitude, faster even than the Dora. La7 and Typhoon low, 109K4 above 5K. P-51D and P-47N anytime you get much above 10K. And all of these aircraft turn better.

Maybe people are not flying X plane entirely for percieved advantage, whatever that may be, but because they LIKE them and want to go all Walter Mitty for abit? And perhaps it is a good thing that not everyone's preferences run to the RAF/USN/IJA/IJN planes that just-so-happen to turn on a dime. Adds to the variety, it does.

Well said. I'm sticking with the 190 series simply because it's the one I like of the two LW fighters. That's it, nothing more to it. It's a very sexy a/c though, with BIG GUNS!  :D

Back in the day when I started in AH I flew a lot of allied planes, a favorite was the P51. I never could come to terms with those .50 cals, they're just too weak, but then the allies didn't have to chase down such big ugly flying f***ers that the LW was forced to face either! Not to mention the swarms of heavily armored Il-2s on the deck.

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