Discovered the 190A5 this evening. Got a few kills pretty quickly with it, it felt good. I'm told that the A5 is a bit more "turny" then some of the other 190s. Is this impression correct? It certainly feels more "turny". What are the biggest drawbacks with the A5?
I've posted quite a few kills in a Mossie and I actually like flying A20s also, I wonder if the 190A5 is somewhat similar in flight cxharacteristics to these two heavier craft.
Just tossing out ideas here. I find that BBS discussions like these can actually provide a great deal of info.
Thanks in advance.

The A-5 is a blast and a niffty little fighter. The "turny" feel is not illusion, as the A-5 can complete a tighter circuit than the other A models, and of course the Dora. Someone mentioned it is the best turner of the family. That is incorrect. If you want to get in and mix it up close, the best choice is the Ta152. By far, the best handling of the series.
Remember: None of them are dogfighters, nor where they intended to be. That doesn't mean you should not go in, have fun and mix it up. Just don't get discouraged if you don't last as long as in say, a Bf109.
Drawbacks of the A-5 ? Very few. Small 7mm mg's require long concentrated, very localized bursts to do crippling damage. 500 20 mil rounds however more than compensates for that. Leave the outboard cannons in the hanger.
She is the slowest of the group, but still faster than the majority of all AH A/C including the late war set.
Bubi said it well. They are not fighters, they are killers. They excell in wingman, squadron usage. Very easy to get someone strung out in the drag. Fight in the verticle, utilizing the verticle reverse. Prepare for some grief from your enemies as they fall wingless from the sky. That's ok, someone has something negetive to say about every plane. Most of all, enjoy it. The Focke Wulf FW190 is hands down my favorite plane of all time.