Believe me there is no P40 smack down ever. There are however, very excellent pilots that know their stuff. I have plenty of basis for my arguement. Show me as many charts as you want. I know that Hurri 2C clobbers them all. Why is that? It has tater launchers and good ones at that.
My point? I guess you would have to find Dastrdly flying his 110 C against anyone doubting any validity in my arguement and ask them afterwards.
Anyhow, planesets have been a sore point in this arena. Given the choices, I tell you right now what side I won't fly. As good as AH2 is, it does not do the 50 cal armament justice. The battles that we engage in are snapshot battles, seldom a shot long enough to give the 50 cal saw effect needed in game. On the other hand, snap, crackle pop..... cannon round .... I'm down...... way too often.