The Sky will fall.
the waters will rise
Our crops will fail
And we will all be driven into darkness and dispair
Oh and Laz will have a nervous breakdown LMAO
Obama, Mccain.
No matter who wins all we get is a turd sandwich.
The only difference is in the type of bread its served with.
If you look at the entire packages.
and not just one or two items
Neither candidate puts forth anything resembling what I feel represents my views.
Each has a couple. But each side has ideas that are completely contrary to what I want.
So digusted I am with the current offering
I havent decided whom I'm voting for.
Or if I am going to bother at all.
I may vote 3rd party.
If for no other reason then to cast a vote against the other two.
I gotta admit though.
It is entertaining watching Laz panic