I think in my own little mind that the most difficult thing will be Frame 1 and getting folks involved on the AXIS side manning guns, limited GVs, and a half dozen - 20 light fighters. The Fighters would be held until say T+45 and/or would be called in from a few sectors away to give it some sense of realism. C47s should be dropping decoys at Calais like the real invasion but maybe mix in a possible live capture as well to stimulate the AXIS defenses instead of just being a diversion.
In a way, Krusty has a point that some other venue may be better suited, however, like Squire, myself, and others have eluded, we can use the "fudge factor" to better suit our needs and still have some realism. I still like the idea of having Frame 1 being limited but having the possibility of the AXIS actually defending the invasion into the second frame. (Bonus Point time) IF the Allies fail to capture and overrun the landing zones, then the AXIS has bought themselves some extra defensive tools in subsequent frames. More Fighters, Tiger Tanks, Stukas, and maybe in frame 4 a whole horde of ME262's purchased with the Bonuses earned!
Of course, if they fail to turn back the invasion, each subsequent frame offers only limited upgrades and tools to be determined by the CMs and Rules Committee.
I am a miserable pilot
and GVer

but to me this would offer everyone opportunities to use their strengths and weaknesses and maybe offer some instruction and training where folks don't tend to play online normally. I am a 9 year veteran AH noob

and still don't know it all.
While Frames 2-4 would be accelerated in time, the basis of this might be using the movie "The Longest Day" as a template of sorts.
I feel it was a major part of WWII and needs to be included in our selection. A Special Map for just this action would be required and if I had a clue I would offer my assistance in designing one, but like I said, I have no clue! A set of detailed instructions and support I would take a swing at it. I downloaded the terrain tools but am totally lost. Dare I mention Combat Tour? I am sure it would get it's use if that gets off the ground as well.