I think this place would be tons more fun with more lady flyers here.........surprised so many disagree.
I completely disagree that it would be more fun... just would be more dramatic. It would end up being more talk & less fight. I can't stand to be around most women... they talk too much, complain too much, and think they know absolutely everything (myself included).
Women are grudge-holders, back-biters, and whiners.
Imagine 200 if it was filled with women... they'd be arguing about some crap that happened a year and a half ago with as much vigor as if it happened yesterday. At least with men, they call eachother
TARDS! then go to the DA, then come back & it's all over & for the most part never thought of again.
And the poor husbands who were unfortunate enough to be logged on at the same time would be hen-pecked into milk running some obsure V-base with their women instead of furballing & having fun. And those husbands would be chastised on range by their nagging wives... totally demoralizing their manliness in front of the other guys... Then they'd be grouchy, and the grouchiness would spread like a sickness. Then those husbands would forevermore be branded as PW'd...
Nope, I'm sorry... I think women would ruin it.