Author Topic: KKKUNITE and BADMOFO  (Read 3481 times)

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #135 on: July 13, 2008, 01:57:27 PM »

Your a dope. I stick with my original statement to you on this subject.

What's with all your insults towards Lute?  Saying he'd give a guy the benefit of the doubt doesn't:

1.  Imply that he thinks a certain name is acceptable;
2.  Imply that he thinks a certain player is very bright for choosing such name; or
3.  Imply that he himself would have had the same lapse in judgement.

All that it implies is that he's willing to give the benefit of the doubt to that person.  In other words, that he is willing to believe the person had a moment of poor judgement and goofed up honestly and without malicious intent. 

Back off him already.  I'm still waiting for your PM regarding this statement:

You other reckless fools out there that try to defend this behavior are the same dopes who  help keep the American Flag out of schools, off city/goverment vehicles and God's name out of Society. We really don't need you in the game or country IMO

To me, that statement is the sort of one a "dope" might say, but of course I'm willing to give you that pesky ol' benefit of the doubt that this thread has touched you in a sore spot and clouded your judgment.  Given what the thread's about, and the high emotions that typically run with such things, I think there's an excellent chance that's precisely what has happened.
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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #136 on: July 13, 2008, 08:18:28 PM »
Strange, I don't remember seeing ANYONE suggest that such things should be ignored or tolerated. I did notice more than one person suggest that perhaps there was an innocent mistake made and it should be checked out.

Geez, the MA term "text nazis" comes to mind with some of the comments I have read here. A8tool, perhaps you could take a break from trussing yourself up with the stars and stripes long enough to realize that this is not a school, a government building or any of the other things you mentioned. In point of fact, some of the people playing here do not even have English as a 2nd, much less 1st, language. It's a game. HTC has a history of dealing with things like this rather quickly (and harshly...if needed). So, put down the flag and relax.

Since I wasn't actually there, I am not (nor is anyone else that wasn't there) qualified to make a judgment with out more evidence.

BTW, I'm an over 50 conservative Republican that thinks the ACLU are the dumbest bunch of donut heads in the country. Just so you know. :D
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« Reply #137 on: July 13, 2008, 08:39:46 PM »


my in game id is oldnlame.

I guess it would be taken as offensive if it were not a true indication of my abilities.

It was chosen to irritate the people sad  enough to be shot down by me.

-SR- :noid

Offline iWalrus

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« Reply #138 on: July 14, 2008, 08:28:37 PM »
 :huh JUKILLER is unacceptable? If that's the case, then the JU-88 should certainly be removed from the game. As a few sensitive people have pointed out, JU means Jew. It is well known that "88" is a common white supremacist symbol meaning Heil Hitler. You put Ju and 88 together and you get an orgy of racism, offensiveness, and old ladies blushing.

That's all.


Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #139 on: July 14, 2008, 09:24:48 PM »
:huh JUKILLER is unacceptable? If that's the case, then the JU-88 should certainly be removed from the game. As a few sensitive people have pointed out, JU means Jew. It is well known that "88" is a common white supremacist symbol meaning Heil Hitler. You put Ju and 88 together and you get an orgy of racism, offensiveness, and old ladies blushing.

The boat left and you weren't on it.   Let the thread go.   
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Offline Banshee7

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« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2008, 09:25:32 PM »
rock the boat!!!!
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Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2008, 09:32:31 PM »
Shouldn't we be politically correct and respect his or her ideological differences? Shouldn't we be tolerant, even if we don't think they are? They shouldn't be banned because someone takes their own interpretation of the name and decides to be appalled by it. After all, ANY name that might represent a philosophy, belief system, or culture can be construed as offensive to someone, somewhere. A whole lot of people would need to be banned. That is, if fairness were of any concern.

 Going back to the original point, the above argument would be the case if we were living before 1933. However, the advent of Nazism and Fascism, the Second World War, and the Holocaust taught a valuable lesson to humanity in just where the limits of "tolerance" and "libery" lies at - or rather, at which point "tolerance" degenerates into "inaction" and subsequentially leads to self-destruction of the democratic system itself.

 Thus, modern concept of democracy harbors an aggressive, yet defensive clause;

"In the end, Fascism scarred the 20th century as a century of barbarism, and thus left a valuable lesson to us. In reality, liberal democracy had a weakness. The freedom of ideas also secured the freedom of an idea that denied democracy itself.  The democratic ideals of the Weimar repbublic gave power to those who would 'destroy democracy itself through the democratic system', and thus legally self-destructed. It may be possible to legally give power to Fascists, but it is impossible to legally return to democracy from that point on. These are the lessons of Fascism to humanity - we will not tolerate those who deny tolerance itself. Such, is a self-denial of democracy.[/b]"

 - J. K. Chin, politcal columnist -

 Adolf Hitler himself stated,

"Only one thing could have stopped our movement. If our adversaries had understood its principle, and from the first day had smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement."

 Thus, ensuring the freedom of someone who would persecute, discriminate, and treat with malice and hatred, another person on grounds of race, gender, sex, religion and etc., is in turn, denying the freedom to live, the freedom of existence for those being attacked and persecuted. Therefore, the freedom of speech and action does not apply to digusting degenerates such as the KKK - it is politically incorrect. To do so, is a self-denial of democracy itself, and to tolerate such attempts in our community, is inaction and cowardice in face of those who would harm others through unjust and hateful ideas. 

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 09:40:18 PM by Kweassa »

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #142 on: July 14, 2008, 10:18:52 PM »
I completely, 100%, disagree with your last paragraph, Kweassa.  Freedom of speech should apply to all, no matter how disgusting you or I personally think their views are. 

You must remember, somewhere out there, someone thinks the same about yours.

(And I realize I very much need to stop reading/posting in this thread, but been drinking with some Aussies tonight, so gimme a break :) )
352nd Fighter Group

Offline SHawk

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« Reply #143 on: July 14, 2008, 10:30:31 PM »
Sorry, But Aces High is NOT a Democracy. Email your complaint to HTC and let them decide. Beyond that you guys are just blowing smoke. <<--My Favorite Band

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« Reply #144 on: July 14, 2008, 11:03:42 PM »
Sorry, But Aces High is NOT a Democracy. Email your complaint to HTC and let them decide. Beyond that you guys are just blowing smoke.

can't we all just get along?

sorry.......someone had to say it may as well be me :D
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Offline uptown

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« Reply #145 on: July 14, 2008, 11:06:36 PM »
:huh JUKILLER is unacceptable? If that's the case, then the JU-88 should certainly be removed from the game. As a few sensitive people have pointed out, JU means Jew. It is well known that "88" is a common white supremacist symbol meaning Heil Hitler. You put Ju and 88 together and you get an orgy of racism, offensiveness, and old ladies blushing.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 11:10:05 PM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

Offline angelsandair

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« Reply #146 on: July 14, 2008, 11:07:49 PM »
The boat left and you weren't on it.   Let the thread go.   

Yes, but he jumped in the Ocean and tried to swim to it...  :lol
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« Reply #147 on: July 14, 2008, 11:45:58 PM »
Walrus = Chumley?   
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 11:49:19 PM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #148 on: July 16, 2008, 04:52:37 AM »
I completely, 100%, disagree with your last paragraph, Kweassa.  Freedom of speech should apply to all, no matter how disgusting you or I personally think their views are.

You must remember, somewhere out there, someone thinks the same about yours.

 Vudak, what you're saying is essentially the same thing as saying "I will not shoot someone who is pointing a gun at me and about to pull the trigger, because, he has a right to live". In the legal sense, the above case is of course, treated as a matter of self-defense, where even the worst of crimes - namely taking another person's life - is considered an action with no alternative as any other would comprimise one's very own life. Therefore, it is treated as neither murder nor manslaughter. It is literally, self-defense.

 Essentially, what I've stated can be considred is a self-defense of democracy. As mentioned earlier, liberal democracy before the Second World War bordered dangerously close to absolute relativism, where every aspect of social struggle would one way or another be justified as freedom of thought, speech, and political action. The problem arose when a political idea, that in pure, "laissez-faire" version of liberal democracy, was supposed to be theoretically impossible to gain foothold among masses, instead gained national power through means of democracy and the masses and then proceeded to undermine democracy itself. This was never supposed to happen, since in liberal democracy, the public was supposed to naturally prevent such ideas and political parties from emgerging and gaining power in the first place.

 However, the unimaginible did happen. Some people took power, completely through democraitic means, and then proceeded to destroy democracy itself with that power gained. Many things could have, might have stopped it from ever happening. Legal possibilities, political action, political alliances against Fascism, etc etc.. and yet, nobody stood up to the Nazi party and directly confronted it, and took measures to stop it because, idealistically, "democracy ensures the freedom of speech to all".

 These course of events are essentially the same as the earliest capitalist ideal - everything was to be "controlled" by the "invisible hand", thus no intervention or action should be required to fine tune economy. Ofcourse, modern capitalist economy, no matter how market-oriented it is, doesn't work quite that way, and it always requires some sort of management to keep the market system from killing itself.

 Political ideas aren't at an absolute relative distance from each other. Despite the different ideas and methods, from the far right to the far left, many of such ideas share an equal political basis in that the ultimate goal - through means of freedom and equality - is to make life better for people. Remember why such freedom is ensured within democracy in the first place: people believe it is better for many different ideas to circulate in society, and thus, through contest of ideas a consensus can be reached in determining which course of action will further promote democracy, and through it a better life for people believing in the system. Freedom, is not the objective - it is a means to reach the objective.

 However, when someone willingly abuses the loopholes in the system, to use that freedom to gain power, and to use that power to destroy the system itself, then through his maliceful intent he loses his right of freedom, since his freedom will willfully hurt others. It's essentially the same thing as not granting anyone a freedom of a killing spree - the law prohibits his freedom to do so, because ensuring his freedom to kill and hurt others, is basically denying the freedom of many others to live and to exist in this world.

 Ideas that oppose the fundamental ideals of democracy itself, such as the racist notions of the KKK or the Fascists and Neo-Nazis, is, like a gun. Even the NRA wouldn't grant a madman the right to bear arms, and some ideas, unlike guns, do not kill one or two people, but kill one million or two million people. And just as it would be a social duty for a free man to stop a madman from toting guns at innocent people, if he had the power to do so, it is as much a duty for a democratic society to aggressively defend itself from ideas that would undermine the freedom and equality of other people. If we can't do that, because we're supposed to recognize "the freedom of speech" no matter how evil the idea is, then we might as well get rid of the police.

 Why do we have police in the first place? Why do we allow them to cease certain freedoms from people, arrest people and rob their freedom? Put people in jail and take away their freedom? Because we all recognize the possibility that some people can abuse their freedom, and use it to break the law and hurt people. Thus, through the law we put a limiting clause on freedom, that we cannot exercise our freedom to intentionally disrupt society, disrupt order and peace, and hurt other people.

 Every different idea, in the democratic system, is treated relatively and equally so long as they respect the fundamental basics of democracy where their freedom to express theior ideas comes from, in the first place.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 05:07:31 AM by Kweassa »

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #149 on: July 16, 2008, 10:01:30 AM »

A few things...

1.  I would be more than happy to get into a civil debate with you...  BUT... Let's mosey on over to the O'Club...  Can you repost this there?  I'll get to it when I get home...

2.  Just for starters...  I believe I recall seeing that you are not American, correct?  Or are you an American living overseas?  An American's concept of freedom of speech is often difficult for others to understand.

(It's kind of hard for me to ask you what you think a good American is if you aren't one.  My definition is a guy who let's the Constitution guide his mind and the Declaration of Independence guide his heart.  Your suggestion doesn't really match with either).
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