Hi Joe. I remember that fight last night. You were in a wildcat right? Boy that was close, you were pinging my canopy until your nose dropped. good flying

In the video, the hellcat cannot match the turn because he is faster. Were you to continue the turn, any smart pilot would either go up, leaving you flat turning an inferior turner and bleeding precious E, or he'd yoyo and drop down on you. Even if he missed a gun solution or saddle in the yoyo, he would be able to go back up and perch on you. From there, down on the deck, you'd have few options.
Almost every pilot, with some few exceptions, who is in a better turner is going to accept the scissor. He will think you've played to his plane's strengths. In this video, BBaw is right where he's supposed to be in the dive but he doesn't pick up soon enough that I've chopped power. BBaw is a good stick. There could be a number of reasons why he didn't pick it up, including that it was late at night and maybe he was tired. I'd like to think it is because he, like most folk, expects the 51 to run for ack; then he gets caught unawares when the mustang offers a fight.