I'm getting sick of all the crying about every little thing Obama or his wife does. It would be one thing if the guy was in the white house and doing things that were legit to itch about.. However you guys whine like school girls about anything from Lapel Pins to how he says the Pledge of Allegiance.
The more I hear some of you Right wingers crying about a guy that's not even president the more I keep picturing this...
(Image removed from quote.)
On the one hand. Im glad your sick of it.
Now you know how alot of people felt about the liberal left whining for the last 8 years.
I totally agree with you.
And if this is any indication of whats to come.
And Im more then sure it is
The right looks as if its going to be every single bit as bad as the left was when it comes to whining.
The ones who really suffer.
Are those of us who refuse allegance to eithe side as are more then just mere lemmings following a party like somefreckled faced prissy high school cheelrleaders wearing skirts and waving pom poms cheering "goooo team!"
Those of us that arent blinded by party rhetoric and can see the good and evil in both sides.
And can regognise that either side if left to run amuk on their own. would each in their own way would run this country into the ground,seek to deprive us of our rights, and liberties.
Those of us still capable of the most precious of rights.
Individual thought,
Which each party would gladly take away if only we were willing