Storch is a big boy as you say he is... Why are you doing his talking?
Shifty, dude, wake up. I wasn't talking about Storch in the first post, pointed that out in the second post, and continued to not talk about Storch. I think your just deflecting perfect valid points of discussion.
Venom and me-too-boy say. "Constant, unprovoked, and intentional griefing should not be tolerated." I agree completely and if I saw anybody doing that I would join in the rebuke. I've read enough venom posts to understand that he too is zero tolerance. Nobody should say anything about him ever for any reason. He's not qualified to judge.
So you guys quit being wishy-washy. How much smack talk is ok? Spit it out. say something real.
If someone does too much, sure it can be a problem. If someone cannot deal with any, they too are a problem.
And Odee is of course completely correct. Anyone can be easily squelched, which further serves to demonstrate that there is something seriously wrong with the constant complainers. I don't feel like I'm responsible for providing their self-affirmation therapy. But what the heck, if it helps.
vortex, oceans, venom, and all you wusses that keep crying to Skuzzy repeat after me:
I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!